[17:03:55,443] CGame TRACE: ------------------------------- [17:03:55,443] CGame TRACE: Steel Beasts Log File v4.163 [17:03:55,443] CGame TRACE: Wed Apr 8 17:03:55 202 / 10580 [17:03:55,443] CGame TRACE: ------------------------------- [17:03:55,443] CGame INFO : +--+ MEMORY USAGE INFO (SteelBeasts START): [17:03:55,443] CGame INFO : | | Process: 4.3 GB (0 % of 128.0 TB total, 128.0 TB free) 4.3 GB min/4.2 GB max [17:03:55,443] CGame INFO : | | Physical: 3.8 GB (24 % of 15.9 GB total, 12.1 GB free) 3.7 GB min/3.8 GB max [17:03:55,443] CGame INFO : +--+ Pagefile: 4.8 GB (24 % of 20.2 GB total, 15.4 GB free) 4.7 GB min/4.8 GB max [17:03:55,444] CGame INFO : Joystick mapping: wheel: +X axis, accel: +Y axis, brake: +Z axis [17:03:55,444] CPackageDownloadClient TRACE: Interprocess emulation folder: 'C:\ProgramData\eSim Games\Steel Beasts Map Transfer Tools\IPC' [17:03:55,444] CPackageDownloadClient INFO : MQ name: SB_00010580 [17:03:55,450] CGame INFO : Network logging alarm threshold set to '120'. [17:03:55,450] CGame INFO : Network logging alarm message age set to '5'. [17:03:55,451] CGame INFO : Package Download server: 'Version 31.000' [17:03:55,470] CGame TRACE: m_DisplayInfoMap[\\.\DISPLAY1] [17:03:56,060] CDisplay TRACE: Entered BuildDeviceList [17:03:56,085] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1920 x 1080, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1680 x 1050, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1600 x 1200, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1600 x 900, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1440 x 900, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1400 x 1050, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1366 x 768, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1360 x 768, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1280 x 1024, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1280 x 960, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1280 x 800, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1280 x 768, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1280 x 720, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1280 x 600, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1152 x 864, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 1024 x 768, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 800 x 600, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 720 x 576, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 720 x 480, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 640 x 480, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,086] CDisplay INFO : Valid mode: 640 x 400, Fmt=22, Beh=0x40, dpthFmt=77, devNum=0 [17:03:56,099] CDisplay TRACE: Found device... Leaving BuildDeviceList [17:03:56,101] CDisplay TRACE: WM_GETMINMAXINFO ptMaxSize:1936 1096 ptMaxPosition:-8 -8 ptMinTrackSize 136 39 [17:03:56,103] CDisplay TRACE: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING 0 0 0 0 00000043 [17:03:56,104] CDisplay TRACE: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING 0 0 0 0 00000003 [17:03:56,105] CDisplay DEBUG: WM_ACTIVATEAPP: 0x1 [17:03:56,134] CDisplay DEBUG: WM_SIZE: 0x0 [17:03:56,139] CDisplay TRACE: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING 578 233 780 612 00000014 [17:03:56,140] CDisplay TRACE: WM_GETMINMAXINFO ptMaxSize:1936 1096 ptMaxPosition:0 0 ptMinTrackSize 136 39 [17:03:56,140] CDisplay DEBUG: Display name '\\.\DISPLAY1' - 0x8000005. [17:03:56,141] CDisplay INFO : Eyefinity configuration query failed for display name '\\.\DISPLAY1'. [17:03:56,141] CDisplay DEBUG: FindMenuDisplayArea: 0/0/0/0 [17:03:56,141] CDisplay TRACE: Entered SetDisplayMode [17:03:56,141] CDisplay TRACE: Entered Initialize3DEnvironment [17:03:56,141] CDisplay DEBUG: AdjustWindowForChange: For full screen [17:03:56,142] CDisplay TRACE: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING 0 0 0 0 00000037 [17:03:56,143] CDisplay DEBUG: WM_SIZE: 0x0 [17:03:56,146] CDisplay DEBUG: *** PresentationIntervals (0x0/0x80000000) NOT SUPPORTED! (Initialize3DEnvironment) *** [17:03:56,335] CDisplay TRACE: CreateDevice succeeded [17:03:56,555] CDisplay TRACE: GetBackBuffer succeeded [17:03:56,555] CGame TRACE: Entering CGame::RestoreRenderTargets [17:03:56,559] CGame TRACE: Leaving CGame::RestoreRenderTargets [17:03:56,560] CGame TRACE: Entering CGame::RestoreDefaultPoolObjects [17:03:56,561] CLandscape TRACE: Entering CLandscape::InitDefaultPoolObjects() [17:03:56,568] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::RestoreDefaultPoolObjects() [17:03:56,572] CGame TRACE: Leaving CGame::RestoreDefaultPoolObjects [17:03:56,598] CDisplay TRACE: Adapter Driver nvldumdx.dll [17:03:56,598] CDisplay TRACE: Adapter Description NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M [17:03:56,598] CDisplay TRACE: Adapter DeviceName \\.\DISPLAY1 [17:03:56,598] CDisplay TRACE: Adapter DriverVersion 920664 [17:03:56,598] CDisplay TRACE: Adapter VendorId 0x10de [17:03:56,598] CDisplay TRACE: Adapter DeviceId 0x139b [17:03:56,598] CDisplay TRACE: Adapter SubSysId 0x1d6d1043 [17:03:56,598] CDisplay TRACE: Adapter Revision 162 [17:03:56,598] CDisplay TRACE: Adapter WHQLLevel 0 [17:03:56,598] CGame TRACE: Entering CGame::InitDeviceObjects [17:03:57,598] CLandscape TRACE: Entering CLandscape::InitMapDeviceObjects [17:03:57,882] CGame TRACE: Leaving CGame::InitDeviceObjects [17:03:57,882] CGame TRACE: GDDO:Manager::CreateAllDeviceDependentResources() [17:03:58,326] CGame TRACE: Entered CGame::RestoreDeviceObjects [17:03:58,326] CGame TRACE: It took 0ms to restore actor device objects [17:03:58,333] CMenuUI TRACE: CMenuUI::Initialize [17:03:58,333] CMenuUI TRACE: CMenuUI::InitScreenRects [17:03:58,333] CGame TRACE: Leaving CGame::RestoreDeviceObjects [17:03:58,334] CDisplay DEBUG: Display name '\\.\DISPLAY1' - 0x8000005. [17:03:58,335] CDisplay INFO : Eyefinity configuration query failed for display name '\\.\DISPLAY1'. [17:03:58,335] CDisplay DEBUG: FindMenuDisplayArea: 0/1920/0/1080 [17:03:58,335] CGame TRACE: GDDO:Manager::RestoreAllDeviceDependentResourcesAfterReset() [17:03:58,335] CDisplay TRACE: Leaving Initialize3DEnvironment [17:03:58,335] CDisplay TRACE: Leaving SetDisplayMode [17:03:58,341] CGame TRACE: Setting language 'Deutsch' [17:03:58,344] CStringTable DEBUG: Reading string file '..\loc\English (US)\pstrings.txt'. [17:03:58,397] CStringTable TRACE: Done reading string file. [17:03:58,397] CStringTable DEBUG: Reading string file '..\loc\Deutsch\pstrings.txt'. [17:03:58,450] CStringTable TRACE: Done reading string file. [17:03:58,450] CMenuUI TRACE: CMenuUI::Initialize [17:03:58,450] CMenuUI TRACE: CMenuUI::InitScreenRects [17:03:58,484] CSound INFO : DirectSound: dwMaxHwMixingAllBuffers = 1 [17:03:58,683] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\intmain.wav' [17:03:58,685] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_120Maingun0.wav' [17:03:58,692] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_120Maingun1.wav' [17:03:58,697] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_120Maingun2.wav' [17:03:58,701] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_120Maingun3.wav' [17:03:58,706] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_120Maingun4.wav' [17:03:58,711] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_120Maingun5.wav' [17:03:58,716] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_105Maingun0.wav' [17:03:58,721] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_105Maingun1.wav' [17:03:58,733] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_Bofors.wav' [17:03:58,814] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\i_Autocannon.wav' [17:03:58,841] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\m1engine.wav' [17:03:58,844] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\m1rumble.wav' [17:03:58,849] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\Leoengine.wav' [17:03:58,853] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\leorumble.wav' [17:03:58,859] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\i_WheelHvyEngine.wav' [17:03:58,862] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\i_WheelHvyRumble.wav' [17:03:58,891] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_WheelHvyEngine.wav' [17:03:58,894] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_WheelHvyRumble.wav' [17:03:58,924] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\pcengine.wav' [17:03:58,941] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\wheelengine.wav' [17:03:58,944] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\wheelrumble.wav' [17:03:58,948] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\extm1engine.wav' [17:03:58,952] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\extm1rumble.wav' [17:03:58,956] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_ChopperMi24Loop.wav' [17:03:58,969] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_Leo1Engine.wav' [17:03:58,973] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_Leo1Rumble.wav' [17:03:59,021] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\extcoax.wav' [17:03:59,027] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\extcal50.wav' [17:03:59,033] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\autocannon0.wav' [17:03:59,041] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\autocannon400.wav' [17:03:59,061] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\brake.wav' [17:03:59,065] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\mgloop.wav' [17:03:59,069] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\hmgloop.wav' [17:03:59,125] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallarms.wav' [17:03:59,133] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallarms2.wav' [17:03:59,139] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallarms3.wav' [17:03:59,145] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallarms4.wav' [17:03:59,151] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallarms5.wav' [17:03:59,158] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallarms6.wav' [17:03:59,164] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallarms7.wav' [17:03:59,170] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallarms8.wav' [17:03:59,177] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\explode1.wav' [17:03:59,182] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\hesplash.wav' [17:03:59,314] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\incoming1.wav' [17:03:59,319] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\incoming2.wav' [17:03:59,323] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\incoming3.wav' [17:03:59,328] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\incoming4.wav' [17:03:59,333] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallround.wav' [17:03:59,339] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallround2.wav' [17:03:59,345] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallround3.wav' [17:03:59,351] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallround4.wav' [17:03:59,363] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\extCoaxloop.wav' [17:03:59,369] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\extCal50loop.wav' [17:03:59,375] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\mineexpl.wav' [17:03:59,381] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\ammoExplosion.wav' [17:03:59,385] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\inthit.wav' [17:03:59,394] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\i_Atgm0.wav' [17:03:59,405] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smallATGM.wav' [17:03:59,411] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\collide.wav' [17:03:59,420] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\MGloopend.wav' [17:03:59,424] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\HMGloopend.wav' [17:03:59,430] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\smokedischarger.wav' [17:03:59,444] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\MGhit.wav' [17:03:59,450] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\HMGhit.wav' [17:03:59,474] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\wounded.wav' [17:03:59,491] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\Leostartup.wav' [17:03:59,495] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\Leoshutdown.wav' [17:03:59,598] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\extCal50loopend.wav' [17:03:59,603] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\extCoaxloopend.wav' [17:03:59,613] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\woodrubble.wav' [17:03:59,633] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\voices\Deutsch\TC_Reload.wav' [17:03:59,721] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\voices\Deutsch\drvMov.wav' [17:03:59,723] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\voices\Deutsch\drvBack.wav' [17:03:59,725] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\voices\Deutsch\drvStop.wav' [17:04:00,250] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_ChopperMi24Loop.wav' [17:04:00,669] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_WheelTractor2Rumble.wav' [17:04:01,453] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_MarderEngine.wav' [17:04:01,457] CSound TRACE: Opening (possible) sound mod file 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\mods\sounds\FX\x_MarderRumble.wav' [17:04:01,498] CGame TRACE: Done setting language [17:04:01,498] CGame TRACE: Creating actor factories [17:04:01,499] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 1 entries in pool [17:04:01,499] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 2 entries in pool [17:04:01,500] CGame TRACE: Ordnance... [17:04:02,046] CGame TRACE: Actors and buildings... [17:04:02,180] CGame TRACE: Guns... [17:04:02,284] CGame TRACE: Roads... [17:04:02,284] CGame TRACE: Earthworks... [17:04:02,284] CGame TRACE: Targets... [17:04:02,284] CGame TRACE: 3D characters... [17:04:02,689] CGame TRACE: Vehicles... [17:04:04,610] CGame TRACE: Attachments... [17:04:04,615] CGame TRACE: Initializing actor factories [17:04:04,679] CGame TRACE: Done initializing actor factories [17:04:04,717] CGame TRACE: Done creating actor factories [17:04:04,717] CGame INFO : CreateAllActorMoms took 3218888.250000 microseconds [17:04:05,277] CInput INFO : Joystick mapping: wheel: +X axis, accel: +Y axis, brake: -Y axis [17:04:05,279] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::Create() [17:04:05,319] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::Create() [17:04:05,343] CGame TRACE: CGame::Run [17:04:05,343] CDisplay TRACE: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING 0 0 0 0 00000037 [17:04:05,352] CGame TRACE: Refreshing mappackage directory [17:04:05,352] CGame TRACE: Refreshing folder 'C:/ProgramData\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\maps\packages' [17:04:05,417] CGame TRACE: Done Refreshing mappackage directory [17:04:07,980] CNetwork TRACE: CNetwork::CleanupAll() [17:04:07,980] CNetwork TRACE: CNetwork::CleanupAll() [17:04:13,341] CNetwork TRACE: CDP4Wrapper::InitializeConnection Abraxas Local Port 2300 Remote Address [17:04:13,341] CNetwork TRACE: CDP4Wrapper::InitializeConnection S_OK [17:04:17,950] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:04:17,950] CScenario.Read INFO : SCETAG_MAPINFO: Loading nonpartial .sce file [17:04:17,950] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::LoadDataFromScenarioFile [17:04:17,953] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::LoadDataFromScenarioFile end [17:04:19,010] CGame TRACE: ReadScenarioFile 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\My Scenarios\Test EMES.sce' [17:04:19,011] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:04:19,011] CScenario.Read INFO : SCETAG_MAPINFO: Loading nonpartial .sce file [17:04:19,011] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::LoadDataFromScenarioFile [17:04:19,014] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::LoadDataFromScenarioFile end [17:04:19,022] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:04:19,022] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:04:19,057] CNetwork TRACE: CDP4Wrapper::CreateSession Abraxas's Sitzung [17:04:19,057] CNetwork TRACE: CDP4Wrapper::CreatePlayer 1 Abraxas [17:04:22,481] CNetwork TRACE: CDP4Wrapper::HandleMessage MSGID_CONNECTED [17:04:22,481] CNetwork TRACE: CDP4Wrapper::HandleMessage MSGID_REQUESTPLAYERID [17:04:22,481] CNetwork TRACE: sent [17:04:24,442] CNetwork DEBUG: Received client file upload request: 0x1 [17:04:24,442] CNetwork DEBUG: Asking host to allow client file upload 0x1 [17:04:26,005] CNetwork DEBUG: Host allowed file upload: 0x1 [17:05:05,017] CDisplay TRACE: SaveScreen successful! [17:05:05,022] CGame TRACE: Deleting AAR file [17:05:05,022] CGame DEBUG: SafeDeleteAARFile [17:05:05,022] CGame TRACE: CGame::LoadFileToPlay [17:05:05,022] CGame INFO : +--+ MEMORY USAGE INFO (LoadFileToPlay start): [17:05:05,022] CGame INFO : | | Process: 5.5 GB (0 % of 128.0 TB total, 128.0 TB free) 4.3 GB min/5.6 GB max [17:05:05,022] CGame INFO : | | Physical: 4.6 GB (29 % of 15.9 GB total, 11.3 GB free) 3.7 GB min/4.6 GB max [17:05:05,022] CGame INFO : +--+ Pagefile: 5.8 GB (29 % of 20.2 GB total, 14.4 GB free) 4.7 GB min/5.9 GB max [17:05:05,022] CGame DEBUG: Loading scenario 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\My Scenarios\Test EMES.sce' [17:05:05,023] CGame TRACE: UI mode changed to UIMODE_PLAN [17:05:05,024] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:05:05,024] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:05:05,070] CDisplay TRACE: Entered CDisplay::Reset() [17:05:05,070] CDisplay TRACE: Entered Resize3DEnvironment [17:05:05,071] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::InvalidateDeviceObjects [17:05:05,071] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::InvalidateMapDeviceObjects [17:05:05,073] CGame TRACE: GDDO:Manager::ReleaseAllDeviceDependentResourcesForReset() [17:05:05,141] CGame TRACE: Entering CGame::RestoreRenderTargets [17:05:05,145] CGame TRACE: Leaving CGame::RestoreRenderTargets [17:05:05,145] CGame TRACE: Entering CGame::RestoreDefaultPoolObjects [17:05:05,145] CLandscape TRACE: Entering CLandscape::InitDefaultPoolObjects() [17:05:05,155] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::RestoreDefaultPoolObjects() [17:05:05,163] CGame TRACE: Leaving CGame::RestoreDefaultPoolObjects [17:05:05,285] CGame TRACE: Entered CGame::RestoreDeviceObjects [17:05:08,001] CGame TRACE: It took 2717ms to restore actor device objects [17:05:08,008] CMenuUI TRACE: CMenuUI::Initialize [17:05:08,008] CMenuUI TRACE: CMenuUI::InitScreenRects [17:05:08,008] CGame TRACE: Leaving CGame::RestoreDeviceObjects [17:05:08,009] CDisplay DEBUG: Display name '\\.\DISPLAY1' - 0x8000005. [17:05:08,010] CDisplay INFO : Eyefinity configuration query failed for display name '\\.\DISPLAY1'. [17:05:08,010] CDisplay DEBUG: FindMenuDisplayArea: 0/1920/0/1080 [17:05:08,010] CGame TRACE: GDDO:Manager::RestoreAllDeviceDependentResourcesAfterReset() [17:05:08,012] CDisplay TRACE: Leaving Resize3DEnvironment [17:05:08,012] CDisplay TRACE: Leaving CDisplay::Reset() [17:05:08,016] CGame TRACE: Reseeding with network seed, 1586358305 [17:05:09,603] CMenuUI TRACE: CMenuUI::Initialize [17:05:09,603] CMenuUI TRACE: CMenuUI::InitScreenRects [17:05:09,605] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:05:09,605] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:05:09,607] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:05:09,607] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:05:09,622] CGame TRACE: ReadScenarioFile 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\My Scenarios\Test EMES.sce' [17:05:09,622] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:09,622] CScenario.Read INFO : SCETAG_MAPINFO: Loading nonpartial .sce file [17:05:09,623] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::LoadDataFromScenarioFile [17:05:09,626] CGame DEBUG: Loading custom actors from 'C:/ProgramData\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\maps\packages\Wasserkuppe [autocreated base]\actors'. [17:05:09,626] CGame DEBUG: Loading 0 custom actors. [17:05:09,626] CGame DEBUG: Created 0 custom actors of which 0 are buildings, 0 are bridges and 0 are pylons [17:05:10,711] CLandscape TRACE: Creating height maps [17:05:10,712] CLandscape TRACE: Creating detail map [17:05:10,720] CLandscape TRACE: Loading detail map [17:05:10,732] CLandscape TRACE: Updating texture info [17:05:10,733] CLandscape TRACE: Generating water [17:05:10,754] CLandscape TRACE: Caching height data [17:05:10,754] CGame TRACE: Caching heights... [17:05:22,776] CGame TRACE: Finished caching heights. [17:05:23,109] CLandscape TRACE: Updating terrain [17:05:23,110] CLandscape TRACE: Creating min/max maps [17:05:24,232] CLandscape TRACE: Creating quadtree [17:05:24,265] CLandscape TRACE: Done initializing new terrain [17:05:24,266] CLandscape TRACE: Creating map actors [17:05:24,281] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210002AD] *** [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 3 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 4 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 5 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 6 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 7 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 8 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 9 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 10 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 11 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 12 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 13 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 14 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 15 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 16 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 17 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 18 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 19 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 20 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 21 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 22 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 23 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 24 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 25 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 26 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 27 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 28 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 29 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 30 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 31 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 32 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 33 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 34 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 35 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 36 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 37 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 38 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 39 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 40 entries in pool [17:05:24,285] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 41 entries in pool [17:05:24,306] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000030] *** [17:05:24,310] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 42 entries in pool [17:05:24,324] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000032] *** [17:05:24,344] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x2100002F] *** [17:05:24,365] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000033] *** [17:05:24,369] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 43 entries in pool [17:05:24,387] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000019] *** [17:05:24,410] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000018] *** [17:05:24,422] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000227] *** [17:05:24,436] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000281] *** [17:05:24,438] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 44 entries in pool [17:05:24,438] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 45 entries in pool [17:05:24,438] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 46 entries in pool [17:05:24,438] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 47 entries in pool [17:05:24,438] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 48 entries in pool [17:05:24,438] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 49 entries in pool [17:05:24,438] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 50 entries in pool [17:05:24,455] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000034] *** [17:05:24,477] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x2100022A] *** [17:05:24,493] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x2100022E] *** [17:05:24,512] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000041] *** [17:05:24,531] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000035] *** [17:05:24,561] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000E7] *** [17:05:24,578] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x2100022F] *** [17:05:24,598] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C2] *** [17:05:24,608] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0100027A] *** [17:05:24,609] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 51 entries in pool [17:05:24,622] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0100027B] *** [17:05:24,652] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x2100029C] *** [17:05:24,679] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000031] *** [17:05:24,686] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 52 entries in pool [17:05:24,702] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210002AC] *** [17:05:24,729] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000A4] *** [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 53 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 54 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 55 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 56 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 57 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 58 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 59 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 60 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 61 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 62 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 63 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 64 entries in pool [17:05:24,729] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 65 entries in pool [17:05:24,738] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000257] *** [17:05:24,749] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000D2] *** [17:05:24,762] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000040] *** [17:05:24,787] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000A6] *** [17:05:24,790] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 66 entries in pool [17:05:24,805] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000059] *** [17:05:24,807] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 67 entries in pool [17:05:24,835] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000E5] *** [17:05:24,852] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000249] *** [17:05:24,853] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 68 entries in pool [17:05:24,876] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000EA] *** [17:05:24,878] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 69 entries in pool [17:05:24,878] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 70 entries in pool [17:05:24,887] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000259] *** [17:05:24,901] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C3] *** [17:05:24,937] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000E4] *** [17:05:24,953] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000256] *** [17:05:24,961] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000255] *** [17:05:24,970] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000258] *** [17:05:24,998] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000A3] *** [17:05:25,027] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000A2] *** [17:05:25,061] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000F7] *** [17:05:25,072] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000082] *** [17:05:25,074] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 71 entries in pool [17:05:25,074] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 72 entries in pool [17:05:25,074] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 73 entries in pool [17:05:25,082] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000B9] *** [17:05:25,082] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 74 entries in pool [17:05:25,082] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 75 entries in pool [17:05:25,090] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000EE] *** [17:05:25,092] CLandscape TRACE: Done creating map actors [17:05:25,092] CLandObjects TRACE: Entering CLandObjects::InitDeviceObjects [17:05:25,098] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000001] *** [17:05:25,104] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000002] *** [17:05:25,111] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000003] *** [17:05:25,116] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000004] *** [17:05:25,123] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000005] *** [17:05:25,128] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000006] *** [17:05:25,133] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000007] *** [17:05:25,151] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000008] *** [17:05:25,168] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000009] *** [17:05:25,187] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000A] *** [17:05:25,206] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000B] *** [17:05:25,220] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000C] *** [17:05:25,239] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000D] *** [17:05:25,266] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000E] *** [17:05:25,295] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000F] *** [17:05:25,329] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000010] *** [17:05:25,350] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000011] *** [17:05:25,361] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000012] *** [17:05:25,368] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000013] *** [17:05:25,374] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000014] *** [17:05:25,375] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000015] *** [17:05:25,380] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000016] *** [17:05:25,385] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000018] *** [17:05:25,391] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000001A] *** [17:05:25,397] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000001C] *** [17:05:25,402] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000001E] *** [17:05:25,404] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000001F] *** [17:05:25,414] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000028] *** [17:05:25,424] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000029] *** [17:05:25,434] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000002A] *** [17:05:25,444] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000002C] *** [17:05:25,456] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000002D] *** [17:05:25,459] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000002E] *** [17:05:25,461] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000002F] *** [17:05:25,462] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000030] *** [17:05:25,463] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000031] *** [17:05:25,465] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000038] *** [17:05:25,467] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000039] *** [17:05:25,468] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003A] *** [17:05:25,472] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003B] *** [17:05:25,477] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003C] *** [17:05:25,484] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003D] *** [17:05:25,486] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003E] *** [17:05:25,489] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003F] *** [17:05:25,506] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000040] *** [17:05:25,525] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000041] *** [17:05:25,532] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000042] *** [17:05:25,545] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000043] *** [17:05:25,550] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000044] *** [17:05:25,567] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000045] *** [17:05:25,576] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000046] *** [17:05:25,582] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000005A] *** [17:05:25,587] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000005B] *** [17:05:25,592] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000005C] *** [17:05:25,598] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000005D] *** [17:05:25,605] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000005F] *** [17:05:25,611] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000060] *** [17:05:25,616] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000061] *** [17:05:25,622] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000062] *** [17:05:25,623] CLandObjects TRACE: Leaving CLandObjects::InitDeviceObjects [17:05:25,661] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000E2] *** [17:05:25,661] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 76 entries in pool [17:05:25,661] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 77 entries in pool [17:05:25,661] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 78 entries in pool [17:05:25,666] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000E3] *** [17:05:25,679] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000F0] *** [17:05:25,680] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 79 entries in pool [17:05:25,683] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000F1] *** [17:05:25,683] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 80 entries in pool [17:05:25,686] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000F2] *** [17:05:25,692] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000F8] *** [17:05:25,692] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 81 entries in pool [17:05:25,703] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0100013D] *** [17:05:25,704] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 82 entries in pool [17:05:25,704] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 83 entries in pool [17:05:25,704] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 84 entries in pool [17:05:25,704] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 85 entries in pool [17:05:25,742] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010001FB] *** [17:05:25,742] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 86 entries in pool [17:05:25,742] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 87 entries in pool [17:05:25,742] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 88 entries in pool [17:05:25,742] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 89 entries in pool [17:05:25,776] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0100020B] *** [17:05:25,777] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 90 entries in pool [17:05:25,777] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 91 entries in pool [17:05:25,791] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C5] *** [17:05:25,795] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C6] *** [17:05:25,808] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C8] *** [17:05:25,812] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C9] *** [17:05:25,826] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002CA] *** [17:05:25,829] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002CC] *** [17:05:25,865] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x11000042] *** [17:05:25,866] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 92 entries in pool [17:05:25,903] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x110001BD] *** [17:05:25,936] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x110001BE] *** [17:05:25,936] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 93 entries in pool [17:05:25,936] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 94 entries in pool [17:05:25,936] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 95 entries in pool [17:05:25,952] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x110001BF] *** [17:05:25,975] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x110001C1] *** [17:05:25,976] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 96 entries in pool [17:05:26,953] CLandscape WARN : Resizing ..\terrain\high\water.jpg to 1024x1024 [17:05:27,733] CLandscape WARN : Resizing ..\terrain\high\normals\water.dds to 1024x1024 [17:05:28,967] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:05:28,984] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:05:28,985] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::LoadDataFromScenarioFile end [17:05:28,988] CGame INFO : Loaded scenario lacking a navmesh - creating it now! [17:05:28,988] CGame TRACE: CPathfindingWorld constructor top [17:05:28,988] CGame TRACE: (got 87 actors) [17:05:28,989] CGame TRACE: CPathfindingWorld bridge PostLoadInit [17:05:28,989] CGame TRACE: CPathfindingWorld getting bridge end points [17:05:28,989] CGame TRACE: CPathfindingWorld constructor completed [17:05:28,989] CGame TRACE: CPathfinding::Init() [17:05:28,989] CGame TRACE: CPathEngineFederation: building federation tiles [17:05:28,995] CGame TRACE: CPathEngineFederation: building chunk array [17:05:28,995] CGame TRACE: CPathEngineExpandedObstaclesArray: getting obstacle coords from SB [17:05:29,017] CGame TRACE: CPathEngineExpandedObstaclesArray: setting up work items [17:05:29,017] CGame TRACE: CPathEngineExpandedObstaclesArray: building PathEngine iExpanded2DObstacles instances (multithreaded) [17:05:29,092] CGame TRACE: CPathEngineFederation: building chunk array [17:05:29,092] CGame TRACE: CPathEngineExpandedObstaclesArray: getting obstacle coords from SB [17:05:29,363] CGame TRACE: CPathEngineExpandedObstaclesArray: setting up work items [17:05:29,363] CGame TRACE: CPathEngineExpandedObstaclesArray: building PathEngine iExpanded2DObstacles instances (multithreaded) [17:05:29,576] CGame TRACE: CPathEngineFederation: generating preprocess (multithreaded) [17:05:29,756] CGame TRACE: CPathEngineFederation: finished construction [17:05:29,756] CGame TRACE: CPathfinding::Init() completed successfully [17:05:29,758] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:05:29,774] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:05:30,558] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x00000000] *** [17:05:30,558] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,572] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,574] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,576] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,577] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,579] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,589] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,591] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,592] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,594] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,595] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,597] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,598] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,600] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,601] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,602] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,603] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,605] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,607] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,616] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,617] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,620] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,622] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,630] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,631] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,632] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,634] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,637] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,640] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,642] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,644] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,647] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,650] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,651] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,653] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,654] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,655] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,657] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,662] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,667] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,669] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,671] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,673] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,674] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,675] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,678] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,680] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,681] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,683] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,684] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,685] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,690] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,691] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,692] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,693] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,695] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,696] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,697] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,698] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,700] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,702] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,703] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,704] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,705] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,706] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,707] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,708] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,716] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,718] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,720] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,721] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x02000004] *** [17:05:30,724] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0000005F] *** [17:05:30,725] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x000000FD] *** [17:05:30,736] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x000002E2] *** [17:05:30,746] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0000003D] *** [17:05:30,746] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 97 entries in pool [17:05:30,746] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 98 entries in pool [17:05:30,746] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 99 entries in pool [17:05:30,746] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 100 entries in pool [17:05:30,746] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 101 entries in pool [17:05:30,746] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 102 entries in pool [17:05:30,746] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 103 entries in pool [17:05:30,746] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 104 entries in pool [17:05:30,756] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0000026B] *** [17:05:30,757] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 105 entries in pool [17:05:30,757] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 106 entries in pool [17:05:30,766] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C5] *** [17:05:30,769] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C6] *** [17:05:30,777] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C8] *** [17:05:30,782] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C9] *** [17:05:30,809] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x2100029C] *** [17:05:30,826] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x2100002F] *** [17:05:30,843] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000030] *** [17:05:30,854] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000227] *** [17:05:30,867] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x2100022E] *** [17:05:30,882] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x2100022F] *** [17:05:30,899] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000040] *** [17:05:30,916] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000041] *** [17:05:30,953] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x110001BD] *** [17:05:30,976] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x110001C1] *** [17:05:31,000] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x110001BE] *** [17:05:31,016] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x110001BF] *** [17:05:31,044] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x11000042] *** [17:05:31,048] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x2100003F] *** [17:05:31,050] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 107 entries in pool [17:05:31,050] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 108 entries in pool [17:05:31,050] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 109 entries in pool [17:05:31,050] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 110 entries in pool [17:05:31,050] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 111 entries in pool [17:05:31,050] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 112 entries in pool [17:05:31,050] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 113 entries in pool [17:05:31,050] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 114 entries in pool [17:05:31,060] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000E2] *** [17:05:31,065] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000E3] *** [17:05:31,084] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000031] *** [17:05:31,097] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000255] *** [17:05:31,105] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000256] *** [17:05:31,111] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000257] *** [17:05:31,116] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000258] *** [17:05:31,122] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000259] *** [17:05:31,131] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000D2] *** [17:05:31,146] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210002AC] *** [17:05:31,162] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210002AD] *** [17:05:31,193] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000E4] *** [17:05:31,220] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000E5] *** [17:05:31,239] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C3] *** [17:05:31,248] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C2] *** [17:05:31,274] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000E7] *** [17:05:31,298] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000018] *** [17:05:31,315] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000019] *** [17:05:31,328] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0100013D] *** [17:05:31,359] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010001FB] *** [17:05:31,390] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0100020B] *** [17:05:31,402] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000032] *** [17:05:31,419] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x2100022A] *** [17:05:31,432] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0100027A] *** [17:05:31,454] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000EA] *** [17:05:31,463] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000249] *** [17:05:31,465] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x00000284] *** [17:05:31,475] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0100027B] *** [17:05:31,481] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000082] *** [17:05:31,498] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000034] *** [17:05:31,521] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000A2] *** [17:05:31,548] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000A3] *** [17:05:31,576] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000A4] *** [17:05:31,580] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000EE] *** [17:05:31,597] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000A6] *** [17:05:31,606] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000B9] *** [17:05:31,617] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000281] *** [17:05:31,621] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0000003E] *** [17:05:31,621] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 115 entries in pool [17:05:31,621] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 116 entries in pool [17:05:31,621] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 117 entries in pool [17:05:31,623] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0000003C] *** [17:05:31,649] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x210000F7] *** [17:05:31,661] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002CA] *** [17:05:31,666] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002CC] *** [17:05:31,668] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0000002A] *** [17:05:31,671] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000F8] *** [17:05:31,686] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000033] *** [17:05:31,699] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000035] *** [17:05:31,713] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x21000059] *** [17:05:31,725] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000F0] *** [17:05:31,728] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000F1] *** [17:05:31,732] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010000F2] *** [17:05:31,767] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000262] *** [17:05:31,774] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000263] *** [17:05:31,784] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01000264] *** [17:05:31,800] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010401EB] *** [17:05:31,801] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 118 entries in pool [17:05:31,801] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 119 entries in pool [17:05:31,801] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 120 entries in pool [17:05:31,801] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 121 entries in pool [17:05:31,801] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 122 entries in pool [17:05:31,801] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 123 entries in pool [17:05:31,958] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010401C6] *** [17:05:31,963] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 124 entries in pool [17:05:31,963] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 125 entries in pool [17:05:31,963] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 126 entries in pool [17:05:31,963] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 127 entries in pool [17:05:31,963] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 128 entries in pool [17:05:31,963] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 129 entries in pool [17:05:31,963] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 130 entries in pool [17:05:31,963] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 131 entries in pool [17:05:31,972] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010401B9] *** [17:05:32,015] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010402D5] *** [17:05:32,019] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 132 entries in pool [17:05:32,019] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 133 entries in pool [17:05:32,023] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040089] *** [17:05:32,023] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 134 entries in pool [17:05:32,023] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 135 entries in pool [17:05:32,106] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010401C2] *** [17:05:32,165] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0104028F] *** [17:05:32,213] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040278] *** [17:05:32,272] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040279] *** [17:05:32,275] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 136 entries in pool [17:05:32,289] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010402AB] *** [17:05:32,339] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010401CA] *** [17:05:32,342] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 137 entries in pool [17:05:32,342] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 138 entries in pool [17:05:32,342] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 139 entries in pool [17:05:32,342] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 140 entries in pool [17:05:32,342] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 141 entries in pool [17:05:32,342] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 142 entries in pool [17:05:32,342] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 143 entries in pool [17:05:32,394] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010401C9] *** [17:05:32,488] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010401C8] *** [17:05:32,512] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010401CC] *** [17:05:32,547] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0104009F] *** [17:05:32,578] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040097] *** [17:05:32,694] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010402D6] *** [17:05:32,702] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 144 entries in pool [17:05:32,702] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 145 entries in pool [17:05:32,702] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 146 entries in pool [17:05:32,702] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 147 entries in pool [17:05:32,702] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 148 entries in pool [17:05:32,702] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 149 entries in pool [17:05:32,715] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040212] *** [17:05:32,783] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010401C7] *** [17:05:32,979] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0104006E] *** [17:05:33,056] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0104008B] *** [17:05:33,102] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0104006F] *** [17:05:33,319] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0104023C] *** [17:05:33,519] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0104023B] *** [17:05:33,568] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0104006D] *** [17:05:33,598] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010402E0] *** [17:05:33,645] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010402F2] *** [17:05:33,682] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010401F9] *** [17:05:33,791] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040133] *** [17:05:33,916] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040223] *** [17:05:33,969] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040070] *** [17:05:34,006] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040282] *** [17:05:34,273] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0104012F] *** [17:05:34,277] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 150 entries in pool [17:05:34,318] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010402F3] *** [17:05:34,433] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0104012A] *** [17:05:34,444] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040201] *** [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 151 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 152 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 153 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 154 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 155 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 156 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 157 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 158 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 159 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 160 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 161 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 162 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 163 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 164 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 165 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 166 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 167 entries in pool [17:05:34,445] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 168 entries in pool [17:05:34,452] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040213] *** [17:05:34,457] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040086] *** [17:05:34,478] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040088] *** [17:05:34,756] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010402B0] *** [17:05:34,762] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 169 entries in pool [17:05:34,762] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 170 entries in pool [17:05:34,762] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 171 entries in pool [17:05:34,762] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 172 entries in pool [17:05:34,762] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 173 entries in pool [17:05:34,843] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01040206] *** [17:05:34,886] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0104006C] *** [17:05:38,261] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0143000E] *** [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 174 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 175 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 176 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 177 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 178 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 179 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 180 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 181 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 182 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 183 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 184 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 185 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 186 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 187 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 188 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 189 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 190 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 191 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 192 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 193 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 194 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 195 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 196 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 197 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 198 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 199 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 200 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 201 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 202 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 203 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 204 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 205 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 206 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 207 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 208 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 209 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 210 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 211 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 212 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 213 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 214 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 215 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 216 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 217 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 218 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 219 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 220 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 221 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 222 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 223 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 224 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 225 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 226 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 227 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 228 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 229 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 230 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 231 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 232 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 233 entries in pool [17:05:38,442] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 234 entries in pool [17:05:38,875] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01430220] *** [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 235 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 236 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 237 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 238 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 239 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 240 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 241 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 242 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 243 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 244 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 245 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 246 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 247 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 248 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 249 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 250 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 251 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 252 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 253 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 254 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 255 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 256 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 257 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 258 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 259 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 260 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 261 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 262 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 263 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 264 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 265 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 266 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 267 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 268 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 269 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 270 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 271 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 272 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 273 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 274 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 275 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 276 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 277 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 278 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 279 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 280 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 281 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 282 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 283 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 284 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 285 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 286 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 287 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 288 entries in pool [17:05:39,034] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 289 entries in pool [17:05:39,035] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 290 entries in pool [17:05:39,035] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 291 entries in pool [17:05:39,469] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x014301F3] *** [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 292 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 293 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 294 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 295 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 296 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 297 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 298 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 299 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 300 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 301 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 302 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 303 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 304 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 305 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 306 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 307 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 308 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 309 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 310 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 311 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 312 entries in pool [17:05:39,641] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 313 entries in pool [17:05:40,066] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0143000C] *** [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 314 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 315 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 316 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 317 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 318 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 319 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 320 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 321 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 322 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 323 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 324 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 325 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 326 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 327 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 328 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 329 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 330 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 331 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 332 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 333 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 334 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 335 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 336 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 337 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 338 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 339 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 340 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 341 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 342 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 343 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 344 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 345 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 346 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 347 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 348 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 349 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 350 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 351 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 352 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 353 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 354 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 355 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 356 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 357 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 358 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 359 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 360 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 361 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 362 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 363 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 364 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 365 entries in pool [17:05:40,215] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 366 entries in pool [17:05:40,253] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x41420200] *** [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 367 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 368 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 369 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 370 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 371 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 372 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 373 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 374 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 375 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 376 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 377 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 378 entries in pool [17:05:40,258] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 379 entries in pool [17:05:40,263] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0xC142008F] *** [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 380 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 381 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 382 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 383 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 384 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 385 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 386 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 387 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 388 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 389 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 390 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 391 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 392 entries in pool [17:05:40,264] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 393 entries in pool [17:05:40,294] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x01420065] *** [17:05:40,298] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 394 entries in pool [17:05:40,298] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 395 entries in pool [17:05:40,298] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 396 entries in pool [17:05:40,298] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 397 entries in pool [17:05:40,298] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 398 entries in pool [17:05:40,298] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 399 entries in pool [17:05:40,298] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 400 entries in pool [17:05:40,314] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010001CB] *** [17:05:40,351] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002BF] *** [17:05:40,351] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 401 entries in pool [17:05:40,351] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 402 entries in pool [17:05:40,364] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002E3] *** [17:05:40,365] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 403 entries in pool [17:05:40,371] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x010002C4] *** [17:05:40,376] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x000001E9] *** [17:05:40,563] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x000002AF] *** [17:05:40,668] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x000001E7] *** [17:05:40,753] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x000001E6] *** [17:05:40,831] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x00000098] *** [17:05:40,941] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x000002D7] *** [17:05:41,175] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x000002F0] *** [17:05:41,256] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0000028E] *** [17:05:41,260] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 404 entries in pool [17:05:41,260] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 405 entries in pool [17:05:41,295] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0000003B] *** [17:05:41,319] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x0000023F] *** [17:05:41,327] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x000000DF] *** [17:05:41,328] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 406 entries in pool [17:05:41,328] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 407 entries in pool [17:05:41,364] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x000001E8] *** [17:05:41,371] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x04000261] *** [17:05:41,371] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: ArmorInfoPool: now 408 entries in pool [17:05:41,855] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::InvalidateMapDeviceObjects [17:05:41,864] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::Delete2DMapTextures [17:05:41,864] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::Delete2DMapTextures [17:05:41,864] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:05:41,864] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:05:41,892] CLandscape TRACE: Entering CLandscape::InitMapDeviceObjects [17:05:41,892] CLandObjects TRACE: Entering CLandObjects::InitDeviceObjects [17:05:41,897] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000001] *** [17:05:41,900] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000002] *** [17:05:41,905] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000003] *** [17:05:41,908] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000004] *** [17:05:41,912] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000005] *** [17:05:41,914] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000006] *** [17:05:41,917] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000007] *** [17:05:41,928] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000008] *** [17:05:41,941] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000009] *** [17:05:41,953] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000A] *** [17:05:41,966] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000B] *** [17:05:41,975] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000C] *** [17:05:41,988] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000D] *** [17:05:42,005] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000E] *** [17:05:42,033] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000000F] *** [17:05:42,058] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000010] *** [17:05:42,071] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000011] *** [17:05:42,079] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000012] *** [17:05:42,087] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000013] *** [17:05:42,090] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000014] *** [17:05:42,091] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000015] *** [17:05:42,095] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000016] *** [17:05:42,097] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000018] *** [17:05:42,100] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000001A] *** [17:05:42,103] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000001C] *** [17:05:42,104] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000001E] *** [17:05:42,105] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000001F] *** [17:05:42,111] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000028] *** [17:05:42,118] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000029] *** [17:05:42,124] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000002A] *** [17:05:42,130] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000002C] *** [17:05:42,136] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000002D] *** [17:05:42,139] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000002E] *** [17:05:42,141] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000002F] *** [17:05:42,142] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000030] *** [17:05:42,143] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000031] *** [17:05:42,144] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000038] *** [17:05:42,145] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000039] *** [17:05:42,146] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003A] *** [17:05:42,150] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003B] *** [17:05:42,153] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003C] *** [17:05:42,157] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003D] *** [17:05:42,160] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003E] *** [17:05:42,162] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000003F] *** [17:05:42,172] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000040] *** [17:05:42,183] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000041] *** [17:05:42,189] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000042] *** [17:05:42,196] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000043] *** [17:05:42,202] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000044] *** [17:05:42,213] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000045] *** [17:05:42,221] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000046] *** [17:05:42,224] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000005A] *** [17:05:42,228] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000005B] *** [17:05:42,231] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000005C] *** [17:05:42,234] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000005D] *** [17:05:42,237] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x4000005F] *** [17:05:42,240] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000060] *** [17:05:42,243] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000061] *** [17:05:42,246] CActorMom TRACE: *** CActorMom::InitDeviceObjects() [0x40000062] *** [17:05:42,246] CLandObjects TRACE: Leaving CLandObjects::InitDeviceObjects [17:05:42,522] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::Delete2DMapTextures [17:05:42,522] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::Delete2DMapTextures [17:05:42,533] CLandscape TRACE: After CreateIBInfoTileMap() [17:05:42,533] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::CreateLightMapTextures [17:05:42,533] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:05:42,533] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:05:42,533] CLandscape TRACE: CreateLightMapTextures: Done with width, height assignment [17:05:42,542] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::CreateLightMapTextures [17:05:42,542] CLandscape TRACE: After CreateLightMapTextures() [17:05:43,695] CLandscape TRACE: After CreateHighTerrainTextures() [17:05:43,729] CLandscape TRACE: After UpdateRenderablePolyObjects() [17:05:43,729] CLandscape TRACE: End InitMapDeviceObjects() [17:05:43,729] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::InitMapDeviceObjects [17:05:44,124] CLandscape WARN : Resizing ..\terrain\high\water.jpg to 1024x1024 [17:05:44,926] CLandscape WARN : Resizing ..\terrain\high\normals\water.dds to 1024x1024 [17:05:47,408] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:05:47,424] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:05:47,499] CGame TRACE: CRoadGraph::init [17:05:47,520] CGame DEBUG: Time needed for building the roadGraph: 0.021000 [17:05:47,520] CGame TRACE: CRoadGraph::init done [17:05:47,522] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:05:47,538] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:05:47,580] CGame INFO : +--+ MEMORY USAGE INFO (LoadFileToPlay end): [17:05:47,580] CGame INFO : | | Process: 8.7 GB (0 % of 128.0 TB total, 128.0 TB free) 4.3 GB min/8.7 GB max [17:05:47,581] CGame INFO : | | Physical: 7.0 GB (44 % of 15.9 GB total, 8.9 GB free) 3.7 GB min/7.0 GB max [17:05:47,581] CGame INFO : +--+ Pagefile: 9.0 GB (44 % of 20.2 GB total, 11.2 GB free) 4.7 GB min/9.0 GB max [17:05:47,584] CGame DEBUG: Saving AAR temporarily to 'C:\Users\Bernt\AppData\Local\Temp\Test EMES_10580_040820ABRAXAS1705.aar'. [17:05:51,327] CGame DEBUG: Starting MP Sim Phase at 127098 (in 11000 ms). ClockOffset: 0. [17:05:51,327] CGame DEBUG: Host machine. [17:05:51,329] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,344] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,359] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,376] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,392] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,409] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,424] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,441] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,457] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,473] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,489] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,505] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,521] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,537] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,553] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,570] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,586] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,603] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,619] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,635] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,652] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,669] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,684] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,701] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,718] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,733] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,750] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,766] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,782] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,799] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,815] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,832] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,847] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,863] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,880] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,896] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,911] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,927] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,943] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,960] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,976] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:51,992] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,008] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,024] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,039] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,056] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,072] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,088] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,104] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,120] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,135] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,152] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,167] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,183] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,199] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,215] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,231] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,247] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,262] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,279] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,294] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,310] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,325] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,341] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,357] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,375] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,390] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,406] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,421] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,438] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,455] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,471] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,488] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,504] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,521] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,537] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,553] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,571] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,586] CGame 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[17:05:52,845] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,862] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,878] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,894] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,910] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,926] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,943] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,960] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,976] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:52,992] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,010] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,025] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,041] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,057] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,073] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,090] CGame DEBUG: 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[17:05:53,606] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,622] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,638] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,653] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,670] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,686] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,702] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,719] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,734] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,750] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,766] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,782] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,798] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,814] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,831] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:53,846] CGame DEBUG: 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[17:05:54,358] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,374] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,390] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,406] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,422] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,438] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,455] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,472] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,488] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,504] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,520] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,536] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,552] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,568] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,584] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:54,601] CGame DEBUG: 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[17:05:55,117] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,133] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,149] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,165] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,181] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,197] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,213] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,228] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,244] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,260] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,276] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,292] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,308] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,324] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,340] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,356] CGame DEBUG: 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[17:05:55,869] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,887] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,902] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,918] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,934] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,950] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,967] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,983] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:55,999] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,014] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,030] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,047] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,063] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,079] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,095] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,111] CGame DEBUG: 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[17:05:56,626] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,642] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,659] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,675] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,691] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,706] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,722] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,738] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,754] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,771] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,787] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,804] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,821] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,835] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,851] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:56,867] CGame DEBUG: 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[17:05:57,384] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,400] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,417] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,432] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,449] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,465] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,481] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,497] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,513] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,530] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,545] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,561] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,577] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,594] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,610] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:57,625] CGame DEBUG: 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[17:05:58,141] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,157] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,173] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,189] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,205] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,221] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,236] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,252] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,268] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,284] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,300] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,316] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,332] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,349] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,365] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,381] CGame DEBUG: 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[17:05:58,895] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,911] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,927] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,943] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,959] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,975] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:58,991] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,007] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,023] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,040] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,055] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,072] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,089] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,104] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,120] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,136] CGame DEBUG: 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[17:05:59,647] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,664] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,680] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,696] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,712] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,728] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,744] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,760] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,776] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,792] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,808] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,824] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,840] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,856] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,873] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:05:59,889] CGame DEBUG: 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[17:06:00,402] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,418] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,434] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,450] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,466] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,482] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,498] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,514] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,530] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,546] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,562] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,578] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,594] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,610] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,626] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:00,643] CGame DEBUG: 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[17:06:01,157] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,173] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,190] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,207] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,222] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,238] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,255] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,271] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,287] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,303] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,319] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,335] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,351] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,367] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,383] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,399] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,415] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,432] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,448] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,464] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,480] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,496] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,513] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,530] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,546] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,562] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,579] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,594] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,610] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,626] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,642] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,658] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,674] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,690] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,706] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,723] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,740] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,755] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,771] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,786] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,802] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,818] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,834] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,851] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,866] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,882] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,899] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,916] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,933] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,949] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,964] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,981] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:01,999] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,014] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,029] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,046] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,063] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,078] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,094] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,110] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,126] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,142] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,159] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,175] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,190] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,206] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,223] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,238] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,254] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,270] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,286] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,302] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,317] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,333] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:06:02,350] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:06:02,366] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:06:02,366] CGame TRACE: UI mode changed to UIMODE_SIM [17:06:02,366] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:06:02,382] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:06:02,382] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::ResetMissionTime() at 34 [17:06:02,480] WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest) TRACE: Create WorkQueueManager: WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest). [17:06:02,480] WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest) TRACE: Create 8 worker threads. [17:06:02,500] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::CreateLightMapTextures [17:06:02,500] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:06:02,500] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:06:02,500] CLandscape TRACE: CreateLightMapTextures: Done with width, height assignment [17:06:02,506] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::CreateLightMapTextures [17:06:03,005] CLogInfoList TRACE: CLogInfoList::SaveDataToAARFileWithoutPurge [17:06:03,005] CLogInfoList TRACE: 2 new log infos [17:06:03,005] CLogInfoList TRACE: 0 new state change infos [17:06:03,006] CNetwork TRACE: CNetwork::SendClientArtyAvailabilityUpdate [17:06:03,006] CNetwork TRACE: CNetwork::SendClientArtyAvailabilityUpdate [17:06:04,725] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:06:04,742] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:06:06,333] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:06:06,349] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:06:06,351] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:06:06,367] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:06:30,600] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:06:30,616] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:06:32,300] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:06:32,317] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:07:04,544] CLogInfoList TRACE: CLogInfoList::SaveDataToAARFileWithoutPurge [17:07:04,544] CLogInfoList TRACE: 31 new log infos [17:07:04,548] CLogInfoList TRACE: 3 new state change infos [17:08:05,457] CLogInfoList TRACE: CLogInfoList::SaveDataToAARFileWithoutPurge [17:08:05,457] CLogInfoList TRACE: 30 new log infos [17:08:05,460] CLogInfoList TRACE: 4 new state change infos [17:08:13,143] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:08:13,160] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:08:13,480] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:08:13,496] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:08:13,500] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:08:13,515] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:08:16,956] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:08:16,972] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:08:18,489] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:08:18,505] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:08:18,509] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:08:18,525] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:08:24,957] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:08:24,974] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:09:06,699] CLogInfoList TRACE: CLogInfoList::SaveDataToAARFileWithoutPurge [17:09:06,699] CLogInfoList TRACE: 30 new log infos [17:09:06,702] CLogInfoList TRACE: 0 new state change infos [17:09:06,927] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:09:06,945] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:09:09,339] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:09:09,355] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:09:20,913] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:09:20,929] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:09:21,307] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:09:21,324] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:09:21,328] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:09:21,345] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:09:51,528] CGame TRACE: case AN_STARTDEBRIEF: [17:09:51,528] CGame TRACE: [mission end fps report (fps, worst fps, best fps):62.301790,58.935854,65.405218] [17:09:51,535] CLogInfoList TRACE: CLogInfoList::SaveDataToAARFileWithoutPurge [17:09:51,535] CLogInfoList TRACE: 20 new log infos [17:09:51,537] CLogInfoList TRACE: 1 new state change infos [17:09:51,540] CGame DEBUG: Entering debrief, mission time 0:03:44 (started at 0:00) [17:09:51,540] CLogInfoList DEBUG: CLogInfoList::LoadDataFromFile, v64 [17:09:51,551] CGame TRACE: case LoopCommand::LC_START_DEBRIEF: [17:09:51,556] CNetwork TRACE: CNetwork::SendLeavingSimPhase() [17:09:51,583] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:09:51,601] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:09:51,601] CGame TRACE: UI mode changed to UIMODE_DEBRIEF [17:09:51,601] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:09:51,618] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:09:51,618] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:09:51,618] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:09:51,619] CGame INFO : +--+ MEMORY USAGE INFO (Starting AAR): [17:09:51,619] CGame INFO : | | Process: 10.6 GB (0 % of 128.0 TB total, 128.0 TB free) 4.3 GB min/10.7 GB max [17:09:51,619] CGame INFO : | | Physical: 7.2 GB (45 % of 15.9 GB total, 8.7 GB free) 3.7 GB min/7.5 GB max [17:09:51,619] CGame INFO : +--+ Pagefile: 10.5 GB (52 % of 20.2 GB total, 9.6 GB free) 4.7 GB min/10.7 GB max [17:09:51,619] CNetwork DEBUG: Test EMES.sce [17:09:51,619] CNetwork DEBUG: Sent messages [17:09:51,619] CNetwork DEBUG: tcount numBytes msg [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: ________________________________________________________________________________________ [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CHAT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ANNOUNCE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_NETWORKPAUSE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 4 1184 MYMSGID_PLAYERINFOBLOCK [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 63 2016 MYMSGID_PLAYERINFO [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 3 4212 MYMSGID_SCENARIOINFO [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REMOVEPLAYER [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CLOCKQUERY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 119 2380 MYMSGID_CLOCKRESPOND [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 189 2268 MYMSGID_PLAYERPING [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MAKEPUBLIC [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 1 20 MYMSGID_STARTPLANPHASE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REQUESTSCENARIO [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RESUMESTAGING [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 1 16 MYMSGID_STARTSIMPHASE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REACHEDPLANNING [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIRERIFLEGRENADE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_VEHICLESTATETOHOST [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 3824 306659 MYMSGID_DETAILEDSTATE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 2100 189588 MYMSGID_STATEBLOCK [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 25 1400 MYMSGID_RANGEENTRY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREMAINGUN [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 20 622 MYMSGID_STATUSBLOCK [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 9 482 MYMSGID_FORMSTATEBLOCK [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MERGE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SPLIT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_PUTONEINNEW [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_PUTHALFINNEW [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIRESMOKE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREATGM [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENGINEON [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENGINEOFF [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REQUESTPLAYERINFO [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CREATEFASCAMFIELD [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ACTIVATEARTY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UNITSTATUS_PLANNING [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_COMBATANTDIE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UNLOADTROOPS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LOADTROOPS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 1 4 MYMSGID_ALLATPLANNING [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REQDOWNLOAD [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 5 82040 MYMSGID_FILECHUNK [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STOPFILETRANSFER [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 2 24 MYMSGID_GAMEVERSION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 2 24 MYMSGID_READYSTATUS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_TILEMOD [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_TILEMODBLOCK [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ARTYPOS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENEMYREPORT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LOGENTRY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_NEWMAPGRAPHIC [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 1 8 MYMSGID_LEAVINGSIMPHASE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SOUND [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SMOKEGENON [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SMOKEGENOFF [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REFPOINT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_TRANSFEROWNER [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_BUILDINGMOD [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 3 435 MYMSGID_TRANSFERUNITOWNERSHIP [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UNITPOS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MAKEPLAYERCONTROLLED [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LINEOFFIREFLAG [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SMOKECANISTER [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETTRIGGER [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REPAIRALL [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DISABLECHATFLAG [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_GUNNERYLOGINFO [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MINEFIELDPOS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MINEFIELDREQ [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ARTYFIELDREQ [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTADDFIREMISSION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CLIENTMODFIREMISSION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTENDFIREMISSION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REPEATFIREMISSION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STOPFIRINGMISSION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTADJFIREMISSION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREFOREFFECT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REVIVELIMBOUNIT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETUNITFUELLEVEL [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETUNITAMMOCOUNT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ANNOUNCESPLASH [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREMICLIC [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETBREACHLANE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DETONATEMINE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MARKBREACHLANE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 2 128 MYMSGID_SCOREINFO [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ACTIVATEIED [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREGRENADE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ASSIGNEMPLACEMENTS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RELOADREADYAMMO [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DELETEMAPGRAPHIC [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_PAUSE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LAYBRIDGE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MAKEBRIDGEREADY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MINRANGEENTRY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DISABLEJUMPINGFLAG [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ABORTATGM [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REMOVEDEST [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CREATEENTITY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DELETEENTITY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UPDATEENTITY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UPDATEENTITYSTATE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETCLIENTMODE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STARTEDSIMPHASE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREWEAPON_EFFECT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DETONATION_EFFECT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTCREATEDENTITY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTREMOVEDENTITY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTUPDATEDENTITY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTFIREDMUNITION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTDETONATION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CCPRANGEENTRY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REMOTELASE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETTROOPHATCHES [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DAMAGEFROMCLIENT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REACHEDWAYPOINT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_EARTHWORKS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HITCH [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 1 48 MYMSGID_TANKBUTTONSTATE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 8 96 MYMSGID_PLAYERMODE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_BSGTRANGEENTRY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MISSILEHIT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_EXPLODEHE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 188 5264 MYMSGID_VARSTATE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UPDATEENTITYGUNPOS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UPDATEENTITYGUNSTATE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENTITYFIREGUN [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENTITYLASE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENTITYRANGEENTRY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SWMAPCOORD [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_EXPLOSIVEDEVICEPOS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ADDLASEDCOORD [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_AARSLIDERPOSCHANGED [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LOGREPORT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_GETARTYINFORMATION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_AARPLAYBACKSTATE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CONDITION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ASSIGNFIREMISSION [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_GUNERROR [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LASEEVENT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_WEATHERCONTROL [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_PARTYINFO [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_INSTR_KILL [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_INSTR_DAMAGE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_INSTR_REPAIR [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MAKEPLAYERINSTRUCTOR [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REQUESTLOADTROOPS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REQUESTUNLOADTROOPS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 2 32 MYMSGID_ARTYAVAILABILITY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETTOBELINKEDTOOTHERPLAYER [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RESUPPLY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETGUNINPUTVALUES [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STARTPLANPHASE_INPROG [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_GUN_DAMAGE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENABLEFOLLOWLEADER [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DISABLEFOLLOWLEADER [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SPRAYELEMINMINEFIELD [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FORMATIONFOCUSTARGET [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOVERMOBILE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREMAINGUNATACTOR [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_USEDCONCERTINA [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REQUESTPLAYERINFOEX [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LOGINFOEXT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FILEAVAILABILITY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REQUESTSCREENSHOT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RAISEMICLIC [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HUMANSTATETOHOST [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RCVEHICLESTATETOHOST [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MOVEUNITTOLIMBO [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_TERRAINDETAILSETTINGS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DISABLEGUNNERYLOGGINGFLAG [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DISABLECLIENTLOGGINGFLAG [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_PICTURE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_APSHIT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_TANKDUGINFOCUS [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_NEWHEAAR [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RELOADOFFMAPARTY [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: total bytes sent = 598950 [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: Received messages [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: tcount numBytes msg [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: ________________________________________________________________________________________ [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CHAT [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ANNOUNCE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_NETWORKPAUSE [17:09:51,620] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_PLAYERINFOBLOCK [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 54 1728 MYMSGID_PLAYERINFO [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SCENARIOINFO [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REMOVEPLAYER [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 126 1512 MYMSGID_CLOCKQUERY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CLOCKRESPOND [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 160 1920 MYMSGID_PLAYERPING [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 1 12 MYMSGID_MAKEPUBLIC [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STARTPLANPHASE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 1 8 MYMSGID_REQUESTSCENARIO [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RESUMESTAGING [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STARTSIMPHASE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 1 8 MYMSGID_REACHEDPLANNING [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIRERIFLEGRENADE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 3309 291857 MYMSGID_VEHICLESTATETOHOST [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DETAILEDSTATE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STATEBLOCK [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 40 2240 MYMSGID_RANGEENTRY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREMAINGUN [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STATUSBLOCK [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 22 1012 MYMSGID_FORMSTATEBLOCK [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MERGE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SPLIT [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_PUTONEINNEW [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_PUTHALFINNEW [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIRESMOKE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREATGM [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENGINEON [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENGINEOFF [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 2 16 MYMSGID_REQUESTPLAYERINFO [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CREATEFASCAMFIELD [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ACTIVATEARTY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UNITSTATUS_PLANNING [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_COMBATANTDIE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UNLOADTROOPS [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LOADTROOPS [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ALLATPLANNING [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 1 16 MYMSGID_REQDOWNLOAD [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FILECHUNK [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STOPFILETRANSFER [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_GAMEVERSION [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 2 24 MYMSGID_READYSTATUS [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_TILEMOD [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_TILEMODBLOCK [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ARTYPOS [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENEMYREPORT [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LOGENTRY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_NEWMAPGRAPHIC [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LEAVINGSIMPHASE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SOUND [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SMOKEGENON [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SMOKEGENOFF [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REFPOINT [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_TRANSFEROWNER [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_BUILDINGMOD [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 1 145 MYMSGID_TRANSFERUNITOWNERSHIP [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UNITPOS [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MAKEPLAYERCONTROLLED [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LINEOFFIREFLAG [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SMOKECANISTER [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETTRIGGER [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REPAIRALL [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DISABLECHATFLAG [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_GUNNERYLOGINFO [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MINEFIELDPOS [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MINEFIELDREQ [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ARTYFIELDREQ [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTADDFIREMISSION [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CLIENTMODFIREMISSION [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTENDFIREMISSION [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REPEATFIREMISSION [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STOPFIRINGMISSION [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTADJFIREMISSION [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREFOREFFECT [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REVIVELIMBOUNIT [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETUNITFUELLEVEL [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETUNITAMMOCOUNT [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ANNOUNCESPLASH [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREMICLIC [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETBREACHLANE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DETONATEMINE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MARKBREACHLANE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SCOREINFO [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ACTIVATEIED [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREGRENADE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ASSIGNEMPLACEMENTS [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RELOADREADYAMMO [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DELETEMAPGRAPHIC [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_PAUSE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LAYBRIDGE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MAKEBRIDGEREADY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MINRANGEENTRY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DISABLEJUMPINGFLAG [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ABORTATGM [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REMOVEDEST [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CREATEENTITY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DELETEENTITY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UPDATEENTITY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UPDATEENTITYSTATE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETCLIENTMODE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STARTEDSIMPHASE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREWEAPON_EFFECT [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DETONATION_EFFECT [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTCREATEDENTITY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTREMOVEDENTITY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTUPDATEDENTITY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTFIREDMUNITION [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOSTDETONATION [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CCPRANGEENTRY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REMOTELASE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETTROOPHATCHES [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 3 96 MYMSGID_DAMAGEFROMCLIENT [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REACHEDWAYPOINT [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_EARTHWORKS [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HITCH [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 1 48 MYMSGID_TANKBUTTONSTATE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 4 48 MYMSGID_PLAYERMODE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_BSGTRANGEENTRY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MISSILEHIT [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_EXPLODEHE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 701 19628 MYMSGID_VARSTATE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UPDATEENTITYGUNPOS [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_UPDATEENTITYGUNSTATE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENTITYFIREGUN [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENTITYLASE [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENTITYRANGEENTRY [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SWMAPCOORD [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_EXPLOSIVEDEVICEPOS [17:09:51,621] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ADDLASEDCOORD [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_AARSLIDERPOSCHANGED [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LOGREPORT [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_GETARTYINFORMATION [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_AARPLAYBACKSTATE [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_CONDITION [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ASSIGNFIREMISSION [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_GUNERROR [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LASEEVENT [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_WEATHERCONTROL [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_PARTYINFO [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_INSTR_KILL [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_INSTR_DAMAGE [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_INSTR_REPAIR [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MAKEPLAYERINSTRUCTOR [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REQUESTLOADTROOPS [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REQUESTUNLOADTROOPS [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ARTYAVAILABILITY [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETTOBELINKEDTOOTHERPLAYER [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RESUPPLY [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SETGUNINPUTVALUES [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_STARTPLANPHASE_INPROG [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_GUN_DAMAGE [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_ENABLEFOLLOWLEADER [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DISABLEFOLLOWLEADER [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_SPRAYELEMINMINEFIELD [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FORMATIONFOCUSTARGET [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HOVERMOBILE [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FIREMAINGUNATACTOR [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_USEDCONCERTINA [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REQUESTPLAYERINFOEX [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_LOGINFOEXT [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_FILEAVAILABILITY [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_REQUESTSCREENSHOT [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RAISEMICLIC [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_HUMANSTATETOHOST [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RCVEHICLESTATETOHOST [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_MOVEUNITTOLIMBO [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_TERRAINDETAILSETTINGS [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DISABLEGUNNERYLOGGINGFLAG [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_DISABLECLIENTLOGGINGFLAG [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_PICTURE [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_APSHIT [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_TANKDUGINFOCUS [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_NEWHEAAR [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0 0 MYMSGID_RELOADOFFMAPARTY [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: total bytes received = 320318 [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: Varstate messages (ID # Tx # Rx) [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: ________________________________________________________________________________________ [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 0x1060000 889 701 [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: m_TankButtonStateActorTypeSendHistogram [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: ________________________________________________________________________________________ [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: Actor Type: 0x01f3 [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: TankButtonState messages (ID # Tx # Rx) [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 33: 1 0 [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: Actor Type: 0x000e [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: TankButtonState messages (ID # Tx # Rx) [17:09:51,624] CNetwork DEBUG: 33: 1 1 [17:09:51,627] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 220717 [17:09:51,676] CNetwork TRACE: case MYMSGID_LEAVINGSIMPHASE: [17:09:51,676] CNetwork TRACE: CNetwork::SendLeavingSimPhase() [17:09:56,451] CNetwork WARN : CDP4Wrapper::HandleMessage MSGID_DISCONNECTED [17:09:56,451] CNetwork TRACE: CDP4Wrapper::DestroyPlayer() [17:09:56,451] CNetwork TRACE: CDP4Wrapper::DestroyPlayer 2 [17:10:08,518] CGame TRACE: Deleting AAR file [17:10:08,518] CGame DEBUG: SafeDeleteAARFile [17:10:08,533] CGame TRACE: UI mode changed to UIMODE_MENU [17:10:08,580] CMenuUI TRACE: CMenuUI::Initialize [17:10:08,580] CMenuUI TRACE: CMenuUI::InitScreenRects [17:10:08,582] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:10:08,600] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:10:08,665] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::InvalidateMapDeviceObjects [17:10:08,685] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::Delete2DMapTextures [17:10:08,686] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::Delete2DMapTextures [17:10:08,686] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:10:08,686] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:10:08,710] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::ResetMissionTime() at 220717 [17:10:08,712] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:10:08,712] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:10:08,722] CGame TRACE: ReadScenarioFile 'C:\Users\Bernt\Documents\eSim Games\Steel Beasts\My Scenarios\Test EMES.sce' [17:10:08,723] CGame DEBUG: CTimeKeeper::SetMissionTime() to 0 [17:10:08,723] CScenario.Read INFO : SCETAG_MAPINFO: Loading nonpartial .sce file [17:10:08,723] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::LoadDataFromScenarioFile [17:10:08,727] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::LoadDataFromScenarioFile end [17:10:08,729] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap start [17:10:08,729] CLandscape TRACE: Refreshing minimap end [17:10:10,800] CNetwork TRACE: CNetwork::CleanupAll() [17:10:10,800] CNetwork TRACE: CDP4Wrapper::DestroyPlayer() [17:10:10,800] CNetwork TRACE: CDP4Wrapper::DestroyPlayer 1 [17:10:10,801] CNetwork TRACE: CDP4Wrapper::CloseSession [17:10:10,880] CNetwork TRACE: CNetwork::CleanupAll() [17:10:12,305] CNetwork TRACE: CNetwork::CleanupAll() [17:10:16,311] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::InvalidateDeviceObjects [17:10:16,311] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::InvalidateMapDeviceObjects [17:10:16,383] CGame TRACE: GDDO:Manager::ReleaseAllDeviceDependentResourcesForReset() [17:10:16,391] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::DeleteDeviceObjects [17:10:16,391] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::Delete2DMapTextures [17:10:16,391] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::Delete2DMapTextures [17:10:16,391] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:10:16,391] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:10:16,539] CGame TRACE: GDDO:Manager::DeleteAllDeviceDependentResources() [17:10:16,614] CDisplay TRACE: WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING 0 0 0 0 00000097 [17:10:16,616] CDisplay DEBUG: WM_ACTIVATEAPP: 0x0 [17:10:16,631] CGame INFO : +--+ MEMORY USAGE INFO (SteelBeasts END): [17:10:16,631] CGame INFO : | | Process: 7.5 GB (0 % of 128.0 TB total, 128.0 TB free) 4.3 GB min/10.7 GB max [17:10:16,631] CGame INFO : | | Physical: 4.8 GB (30 % of 15.9 GB total, 11.1 GB free) 3.7 GB min/7.5 GB max [17:10:16,631] CGame INFO : +--+ Pagefile: 6.3 GB (31 % of 20.2 GB total, 13.8 GB free) 4.7 GB min/10.7 GB max [17:10:16,631] CGame TRACE: Destroying global classes [17:10:16,631] WorkQueueManager(0,priority_below_normal) DEBUG: Thread 11908 (Wqm0-Wrk-prio1BelNrm-5): exit on order. [17:10:16,631] WorkQueueManager(0,priority_below_normal) DEBUG: Thread 12560 (Wqm0-Wrk-prio1BelNrm-7): exit on order. [17:10:16,631] WorkQueueManager(0,priority_below_normal) DEBUG: Thread 10308 (Wqm0-Wrk-prio1BelNrm-4): exit on order. [17:10:16,631] WorkQueueManager(0,priority_below_normal) DEBUG: Thread 17920 (Wqm0-Wrk-prio1BelNrm-1): exit on order. [17:10:16,631] WorkQueueManager(0,priority_below_normal) DEBUG: Thread 10368 (Wqm0-Wrk-prio1BelNrm-0): exit on order. [17:10:16,631] WorkQueueManager(0,priority_below_normal) DEBUG: Thread 3228 (Wqm0-Wrk-prio1BelNrm-6): exit on order. [17:10:16,631] WorkQueueManager(0,priority_below_normal) DEBUG: Thread 540 (Wqm0-Wrk-prio1BelNrm-3): exit on order. [17:10:16,631] WorkQueueManager(0,priority_below_normal) DEBUG: Thread 15060 (Wqm0-Wrk-prio1BelNrm-2): exit on order. [17:10:16,704] WorkQueueManager(0,priority_below_normal) DEBUG: Thread 12980 (Wqm0-HKpr-prio1BelNrm): exit on order. [17:10:16,704] WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest) DEBUG: Thread 148 (Wqm1-Wrk-prio4Highest-0): exit on order. [17:10:16,704] WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest) DEBUG: Thread 9576 (Wqm1-Wrk-prio4Highest-3): exit on order. [17:10:16,704] WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest) DEBUG: Thread 13372 (Wqm1-Wrk-prio4Highest-7): exit on order. [17:10:16,704] WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest) DEBUG: Thread 13848 (Wqm1-Wrk-prio4Highest-5): exit on order. [17:10:16,704] WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest) DEBUG: Thread 17348 (Wqm1-Wrk-prio4Highest-4): exit on order. [17:10:16,704] WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest) DEBUG: Thread 2640 (Wqm1-Wrk-prio4Highest-2): exit on order. [17:10:16,704] WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest) DEBUG: Thread 2860 (Wqm1-Wrk-prio4Highest-6): exit on order. [17:10:16,704] WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest) DEBUG: Thread 2260 (Wqm1-Wrk-prio4Highest-1): exit on order. [17:10:16,804] WorkQueueManager(1,priority_highest) DEBUG: Thread 10540 (Wqm1-HKpr-prio4Highest): exit on order. [17:10:16,808] CPackageDownloadClient TRACE: Removed old message queue [17:10:16,825] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::InvalidateDeviceObjects [17:10:16,825] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::InvalidateMapDeviceObjects [17:10:16,825] CLandscape TRACE: CLandscape::DeleteDeviceObjects [17:10:16,825] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::Delete2DMapTextures [17:10:16,825] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::Delete2DMapTextures [17:10:16,825] CLandscape TRACE: Entered CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:10:16,825] CLandscape TRACE: Leaving CLandscape::DeleteLightMapTextures [17:10:16,878] CArmorInfoPool DEBUG: Shutting down; 408 entries in pool [17:10:17,260] CNetwork TRACE: CNetwork::CleanupAll() [17:10:17,328] CGame TRACE: Uninitializing COM [17:10:17,328] CGame INFO : Done