Orders for NBG III, Part 1

  • Orders Cdr NBG to defend area UTTI AIRFIELD:

    The intel guys have come to following conclusion minutes after the sh**storm at the airfield:
    The enemy NE of Rapojärvi was the HW15 enemy force rearguard. It's dead now. The HW15
    enemy is out of steam (well, fuel and ammunition supplies mainly), it can hold its own, but is no longer capable of continuing the attack to Mikkeli.
    The enemy force between HW15 and river was part of the HW6 Bde's flank guard (part of it had moved on further east along with the attack,
    with only some units left behind to counter the NBG threat). The unit was an ad-hoc force of an ATGM platoon and an engineer platoon.
    Both units are now KO, but the eng platoon did manage to blow the bridges.
    The enemy at Ranta-Utti was a CSS company (part of Bde asset). Destruction of this unit means the HW6 Bde CSS assets are down to minimum.
    The Enemy at airfield was part of the CSS coy and an SPA Bn with some reinforcements to help in self defence (SPAA and ATGM vehicles).
    The NBG attack hit the area during some last repairs for T-80s and SPA Bn rearming. The units tried to escape the mayhem but were cut down.
    This reduces the HW6 Bde artillery assets to 1/2 of the original strenght.
    The enemy at the Utti Jaeger Regiment barracks area was a rear command post of the HW6 Bde. Being mostly KO now (some escaped) it is no longer "online".
    The enemy T-80 coy (+) that counterattacked the airfield, (at quite a good moment too!) was the local reserve QRF. It also got killed during the fighting.
    Before we start our Attack to UTTI AIRFIELD our UAV scout a T-80 plt and a BMP-2 plt 1000 NORTH of CEMETARY. Maybe this was the QRF, maybe not.
    We also had some trouble with HIND Attack helicopters during our attack.
    The enemy is mainly forces of the 1st echelon brigade that took Kouvola, so it's not in full strenght and we estimate strenght of max 2 battalions with support.
    The HW6 Bde east of us is mostly commited in combat with defending units, but they may be able to reinforce the attack on the airfield with some units, strenght less than Bn.
    The enemy counter attack is imminent, to open the MSR Highway 6 and to destroy NBG.
    We destroyed during the last two battles 37 tanks (MBT, SPA, AA etc.), 51 IFV`s, 2 HIND`s and 17 trucks.

    Now we have two groups, the first group are the units here in UTTI and the second group is in the area of TOIKKALA.

    Units available in UTTI:
    HQ coy:

    CO (CV9030)
    FO (FOV90)
    1/D (reconnaissance and liaison platoon  AVZ): 2x EagleIV, 4x motorbike)

    FIN coy:
    CO (CV9030)
    A plt: 3x CV9030
    C plt: 4x CV9030
    D plt: 4x Leopard 2A4

    SWE coy:
    A plt: 1 Strv 122
    B plt: 2 Strv 122
    C plt: 2x CV9040

    NOR coy:
    CO (CV9030)
    A plt: 2x CV9030
    D plt: 2x Leopard 2A4
    DAN coy:
    CO (M113)
    A plt: 2x M113eng (1x MICLIC), (1/A KO)
    B plt: 2x Biber (committed at the bridge site)
    C plt: Wisent+2x med
    D plt: Wisent+2x med
    E plt: 1 HEMTT

    In the area of TOIKKALA we have these units on march to UTTI:

    Recce platoon (A): 2x Piranha
    ATGM platoon (B): 3x Piranha, 3x Javelin launcher

    FI coy:
    B plt: 2x CV9030

    SE coy:
    XO (CV9040)
    A plt 1 Strv
    D plt: 2x CV9040

    NOR coy:
    B plt: 3x CV9030
    C plt: 3x CV9030

    DAN coy:
    E plt: 2 HEMTT.

    Cdr NBG

    HQ coy:
    A/HQ = recon plt
    B/HQ =Tank Hunter plt
    1/D = AVZ
    Reserve: 3x Strv 122 in UTTI

    FIN coy:
    CO (CV9030)
    A plt: 3x CV9030
    B plt: 2x CV9030
    C plt: 4x CV9030
    D plt: 4x Leopard 2A4

    SWE coy:
    XO (CV9040)
    A plt 1 Strv
    C plt: 2x CV9040
    D plt: 2x CV9040

    NOR coy:
    CO (CV9030)
    A plt: 2x CV9030
    B plt: 3x CV9030
    C plt: 3x CV9030
    D plt: 2x Leopard 2A4

    DAN coy:
    CO (M113)
    A plt: 2x M113eng (1x MICLIC), (1/A KO)
    B plt: 2x Biber (committed at the bridge site)
    C plt: Wisent+2x med
    D plt: Wisent+2x med
    E plt: 3 HEMTT
    FuelCSS: 2x MAN SX45 (Fuel)
    AmmoCSS: 2x MAN SX45 (supply)
    RepairCSS: 4x Berge-M113

    1/C: 3x M1064A3
    4/C: 3x M1064A3
    1 BTRY SPA BN: 6x M109
    2 BTRY SPA BN: 6x M109
    Ammo SPA BN: 6x HEMTT, supply

    "Hold the airfield and keep HW6 untrafficable for the enemy. Move your BG south of the riverline in full, starting now."

    "A mans`s got to do, what a man`s got to do" John Wayne

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Duke ()

  • 3.execution

    My intention is to defend with 2 coy in the west (point of main effort MSR6 to west) and with one coy in the east of UTTI AIRFIELD.
    To overwatch the areas in the southwest, south and south east with my light vehicles.
    To march as quick as possible with my units in TOIKALLA to UTTI Airfield, to keep the NBG together.[/INDENT]

    Coy orders:[INDENT]HQ:[/INDENT]

    [*]Establish HQ (96555223)
    [INDENT]AVZ (Callsign: 1/D):[/INDENT]

    [*]split in 3 sections
    [INDENT]1st section (point of main effort): [/INDENT]

      [*=1]Start recon immediately from UTTI AIRFIELD to TYRRI to AITOMÄKI.
      [*=1]Establish observer points DANCER and DASHER with your infantry squads.
      [*=1]Patrol with your vehicles between DANCER and RUDOLPH.
      [*=1]Prepare to start recon with your vehicles DANCER to the south of KOUVOLA.
      [*=1]Don`t fire, only for self defence.
      [*=1]If you reconnaise enemy units, try to hold contact with your vehicles.

    [INDENT]2nd section:

      [*=1]Start recon immediately from UTTI AIRFIELD over UTTI to observer point COMET and
      [*=1]Establish observer points COMET and PRANCER with your infantry squads.
      [*=1]Patrol with your vehicles between TYRRI – COMET and PRANCER.
      [*=1]Don`t fire, only for self defence.
      [*=1]If you reconnaise enemy units, try to hold contact with your vehicles.

    [INDENT]3rd section:[/INDENT]

      [*=1]Start recon immediately from UTTI AIRFIELD to the eastern part of UTTI AIRFIELD to Observer point DONNER and CUPID.
      [*=1]Establish observer points DONNER and CUPID with your infantry squads.
      [*=1]Patrol with your vehicles between PRANCER – DONNER and CUPID.
      [*=1]Don`t fire, only for self defence.
      [*=1]If you reconnaise enemy units, try to hold contact with your vehicles.

    A/HQ (Callsign: RECON):

      [*=1]First subordinated to XO SWE coy.
      [*=1]After passing bridge directly ordinated to Cdr NBG.
      [*=1]March to HQ, stand by.

    B/HQ (Callsign: HUNTER):

      [*=1]First subordinated to XO SWE coy.
      [*=1]After passing bridge directly ordinated to Cdr NBG.
      [*=1]March to HQ, stand by.
      [*=1]Prepare to defend in BP:
      [*=1]THOR (97705170)
      [*=1]WOTAN (94654941)
      [*=1]ODIN (95835206)


      [*=1]Check ammo and repair status of your plt and report to HQ.
      [*=1]March to 97825193 (AMMO Truck)
      [*=1]Resupply to 100% after Nor- coy.
      [*=1]March to RES area.
      [*=1]Adapt for counterattack ROCKY, RAMBO, TERMINATOR and PREDATOR.
      [*=1]Adapt to destroy erupted enemy vehicles.


    FIN coy:
    callsign: WALRUS 10

      [*=1]Check ammo and repair status of your coy and report to HQ.
      [*=1]Point of main effort
      [*=1]Units in the TOIKKALA area subordinated to XO SWE coy.
      [*=1]After passing bridge directly ordinated to CO FIN coy.
      [*=1]Attack and destroy enemy units north of cemetary.
      [*=1]Establish combat outpost RUDOLPH (91045013) to overwatch MSR 6 to west.
      [*=1]Prepare a flexible defence between SL and PL 4.
      [*=1]HOLD PL 4!
      [*=1]Resupply Fin-coy in collaboration with CO Dan coy.


    NOR coy:
    callsign: HÄGAR

      [*=1]Check ammo and repair status of your coy and report to HQ.
      [*=1]Resupply to 100% first.
      [*=1]Units in the TOIKKALA area subordinated to XO SWE coy.
      [*=1]After passing bridge directly ordinated to CO NOR coy.
      [*=1]March to UTTI, establish a defence with your infantry in UTTI and Jaeger barracks.
      [*=1]With your vehicles establish your defence on PL 1.
      [*=1]Prepare a flexible defence between PL1 and PL 4.
      [*=1]Adapt to flank enemy units in the open area between Nor coy and Fin coy.
      [*=1]Adapt for counterattack TERMINATOR and PREDATOR.

    SWE coy:

      [*=1]Units south of the bridge directly ordinated to Cdr NBG.
      [*=1]Strv122 south of bridge are reserve NBG.
      [*=1]CV90 section (callsign: IKEA) March to 97825193 (AMMO Truck), Resupply to 100%
      [*=1]after Nor- coy.
      [*=1]After resupplying start recon to combat outpost BLITZEN.
      [*=1]Overwatch MSR HW 6 to east.
      [*=1]Hold contact to reconnaised enemy units and try to block enemy on PL 5.
      [*=1]If enemy pressure is to strong fall back to PL 6 along MSR HW 6.
      [*=1]On my order withdraw to north (bridge), move over bridge and hold!


    XO SWE Coy:
    Callsign: MOOSE

      [*=1]Organize march of the units in TOIKKALA to bridge.
      [*=1]Point of main effort: repair CSS, AMMO CSS, FIN-coy, NOR-coy, other units.

    After reaching bridge:

      [*=1]XO SWE coy takes command of SWE units (Without reserve Strv122).
      [*=1]Overwatch MSR HW 6 to east.
      [*=1]Hold contact to reconnaised enemy units and try to block enemy on PL 5.
      [*=1]If enemy pressure is to strong fall back to PL 6 along MSR HW 6.
      [*=1]On my order withdraw to north (bridge), move over bridge and hold!


    DAN coy:
    Callsign: REINDEER

      [*=1]Check ammo and repair status of your coy and report to HQ.
      [*=1]Supply with AMMO truck (97825193) NOR coy and SWE coy.
      [*=1]March with this AMMO truck to FIN coy.
      [*=1]Support FIN coy attack to cemetery with ARV and Medic.
      [*=1]Support NOR coy with MEDIC, support IKEA with 1 Medic.
      [*=1]Hold back 1 ARV in repair area (95485191).
      [*=1]Establish repair area as quick as possible.
      [*=1]In collaboration with company cdr`s establish coy supply area`s.
      [*=1]Find an area for refueling and report to all.


      [*=1]Move immediately to UTTI Airfield.
      [*=1]Adapt to prepare minefields and other obstacles, point of main effort in the
      [*=1]Leopards secure repair area.
      [*=1]Biber move to the northern side of the bridge and stay hidden.


    Callsign: GOBLIN

      [*=1]FO march to HQ and stay there.
      [*=1]Point of main effort artillery FIN coy.
      [*=1]Destroy enemy units north of cemetery immediately.
      [*=1]Send observer squad to radar station (96165135).
      [*=1]Mark every own fire mission in the map with the number of fire mission, for quickly request.
      [*=2]Use zsl for destroy to missions (ICM, more than 1 plt)
      [*=2]Use ble for blend to missions (Smoke/ HE)
      [*=2]Use abr for block to missions (ICM)


      [*=1]Prepare to fire FASCAM missions.
      [*=1]March immediately with mortar plt`s to area ARI 3.
      [*=1]March with SPA BN in stages to AR 1 and 2.

      [*=1]If BLITZEN is established use 1 plt for fire mission abr 1 (01335227, 100m x 400m).
      [*=1]If RUDOLPH is established use 1 plt for fire mission abr 2 (89975013, 50m x 400m).
      [*=1]Prepare ICM missions behind the minefields, after our minefields are prepared.
      [*=1]If one is prepared fire the mission and mark in the map, is the next one prepared, fire and so on.

    4.support, attachments, detachments

      [*=1]12 tubes (HE, smoke)
      [*=1]all fire requests to BG FO


      [*=1]ARV, Medic and Ammo requests to CO DAN coy

    [INDENT]c)combat support:

      [*=1]mine plow or MICLIC request to CO DAN coy

    5.leading elements

    radio wisperlist:[INDENT]BG Channel:
    Cdr NBG, FO, all CO`s and XO SWE

    HQ channel:

    CO´s set up her own company radio in collaboration with S6 (DUKE).

    You find me in the HQ.



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    "A mans`s got to do, what a man`s got to do" John Wayne

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Duke ()