Zusammenfassung von Tacbat:
Mission 1 AAR
We had 30 players participate in the first mission of OPV4:
USA: Assassin, PaladinSix, Toyguy, Rotar, Optimus_Prime, Connaugh
Canada: Brun, Gibsonm, Tacom, Colebrook, 12Alfa, Tango29, Tacbat
UK: Crusty, Dark, TankHunter, Neil, HoggyDog, Tjay, Marko, Hedgehog
Denmark: Volcano, Sean, Gladiator, Duke, Ricopico, Erazor, Dejawolf, Mr_Burns, SeanP
Mission run time: 63 min
The first mission was a generally cautious encounter. The USA & Canada formed an alliance, as did the UK and Denmark.
Minefileds and FASCAM slowed any major progress by either side.
Most of the fighting involved the USA and Denmark teams in the south.
USA was able to make some progress into Danish territory. The UK team was able to push into Canadian territory by mission end.