Me and swordsmordk can take the Recon and then put Tjay as 1 of the CV9035s he said he could do both
Beiträge von Majorduck
Me and swordsm
Duke Sie munster_de.hgt irgendwo
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hey ich habe meine erste Beitrag auf Deutsch
Google Translate ist superund sorry für meine Zerstörung der deutschen Sprache
Colebrook schrieb:Well, for me is more interesting to play against someone who thinks and reacts intelligently to what you do, than to play against a scripted IA.Also is a campaign, campaigns are better than single missions because they force you to think in long term.
Grenny schrieb:As so far noone on blue has stepped up as CO, so I can do that.
Although that might disappoint Colebrook a bit on the part marked bold.:heheh:
dank Grenny für CO