Moin aus Hamburg,
als sehr passives Mitglied, das aber trotzdem das Forum verfolgt, habe ich auch mal Deinen Englischen Befehl überflogen, da ich mich in letzter Zeit mit einigen englischen Quellen bezüglich des "Kalten Krieges" auseinandergesetzt habe und mir da auch ein paar neue Begriffe über den Weg gelaufen sind, die ich gerne anbieten möchte, bitte nicht als "Klugsnacken" verstehen...
An MVG und Wagenhaltepunkt habe ich mir (auch als ex-Nachschuber) "die Zähne ausgebissen"
und konnte nichts finden.
Mein Vorschlag:
1) Situation:
a) Enemy: A (reinforced motor rifle) mechanized infantry regiment is attacking since 72 h from eastern directions toward the West. It succeeded to cross the river Weser and to establish a bridgehead near Hameln. A flank attack of its 2nd echelon heading towards BODENWERDER was annihilated by our air force.
It is assumed that the enemy intents to employ reserve units to expand the existing bridgehead to the South.
Own reconnaissance units have reported the arrival of fresh units in battalion size in the HAMELN area.
b) Own : The forward detachments of PzBtl 911 returning from another employment have reached the LUERDISSEN area and will attack immediately to achieve a favourable position for an own flank attack against the enemy’s bridgehead. There are no own troops reported on both flanks.
c) Civilian: 90% of the civilian population has been evacuated, big part of the remaining civilians sympathize with the enemy and have established sabotage troops.
d) Organization Task Force ITH
- A; B – tank platoon 4 x Leopard 2A5
- D – tank platoon 4x Leopard 2E
- E; F – mechanized infantry platoon 4x M2A2
- G – self propelled anti-aircraft gun 2 x Tunguska
- P - engineering platoon 2x ASLAV PC, armoured mine clearing vehicle Keiler and 2x A(rmoured)V(ehicle)L(aunched)B(ridge) or bridge layer „Biber“
- H – Medic troop M 113
- I - recovery troop (specialised on combat damages) ASLAV CS
- J - armoured recovery vehicle M88 - Mother
- supply squad 2x HEMTT
- CO - 1x Leopard 2A5 (PETROLEUM)
- Xo - 1x Leopard 2A5
2) Order:
- task force ITH attacks immediately without left and right neighbours of present position via ESPERDE to continue the attack in direction of VOREMBERG and BISPERODE.
- task force ITH destroys the remaining enemy units and prepares for the defence of an expected attack of the Enemy’s reserve until the Bataillion reaches its starting postions for the next attack.
- task force ITH supervised left flank in the area BÖRRY/BROCKENSEN until the arrival of II 911
- task force ITH supervises area HARDERODE/BREMKE until the attack of the task force continues
- task force ITH prepares to be relieved by attack
- task force ITH prepares to continue the attack to the North upon order
3) Execution: My intention is: .......
- initial positions of the forces
- OpPlan
- Supply in accordance with instruction of commanding officer task group ITH
4) Support, assumptions and deliveries:
a) Artillery:
- 4 barrels each in 3 platoons of Brigadeartilleriebataillion 90, upon request of forward observer
b) Supply:
- Supply with fuel/ammunition upto 100% completed
- Supply in combat within own responsibility
- Vehicle assembly point near LUERDISSEN
c) Assumptions/deliveries:
- See 1) d)
5) Guidance and communications:
- Code chart: Bravo/Golf (Alpha/Mike)
- Marking/identification: Reflective vest at the vehicles’ tails
Time comparison
Hoffe, Du kannst/magst die Anregungen verwenden.
Beste Grüsse, Jörn