
  • Servus,

    es geht wieder los.


    For the veterans of the first two Variable campaigns, the wait is over for the next version in this series.
    It is time once again for another Operation Variable campaign.

    This announcement is a heads-up for those who would be interested in filling the CO positions on either the Blue or Red side.
    The campaign is tentatively slated to begin on 01 Feb 13 at the regular TGIF time. I expect to run a total of 6 missions for this campaign,
    so it should conclude at the end of March, will the possibility of a few make-up games in Apr if absolutely necessary.
    If you are interested in being a CO, please send me a PM.

    The rules and ORBAT for OPV3 are being drafted as we speak. Generally speaking, both sides will have a base that the other side will
    try to capture/destroy to win the campaign. Both sides will have a similar ORBAT, so neither will be at a disadvantage.
    One big change from the previous Variable will be that there will be no map updates for the first few missions of the campaign.

    You can find info on previous versions of Op Variable here:

    Battlefield picture by RogueSnake

    Please, do not post any questions here about the campaign until I have posted the rules. They will likely answer most questions players will have.
    If you have a burning desire to ask a question, then send it to me via PM so this thread doesn't get cluttered. Thanks!

    Den entsprechenden Thread findet ihr unter

    OP Variable 3 Rules.rar
    Op Variable 3 Calculator v3.rar

    "A mans`s got to do, what a man`s got to do" John Wayne

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 7 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Duke ()