Stellenbesetzungsliste (Staffing List) Mission 4
- Falli(911)
- Geschlossen
NOTE:[INDENT]You are a company form TankRgt XX , attached to MotSchz-BN[/INDENT]
[INDENT]For those of you who took the BRDM section: you are an indipendent recon team, you are not subordinate to the missions CO...give him info and do you job to recce the enemy positions :-)[/INDENT]
SITUATION:[INDENT]Our Breakthrough at HAMELN has been a success. Leading elements of the division have reached BIELEFELD and are now turning southwst to attack along the line GUETHERLOH_HAMM_DORTMUND.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]The enemy is currently reorganizing and trying to block our advance , as well as making a desperate counterattack towrads HAMELN IOT to plug the gap we tore into their lines.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]The NATO forces are in bad shape, and we have intel the the West German units have requested the handover of nuclear weapon to their Sonderwaffen-BNs. LANCE missile lauchers have been reported moving trough OSNABRÜCK.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]The Enemy counterattack by 2 PzGrenBtl(+/-) at about 70% strenght each, is currently running on both sides of the WESER river. 1 Hours ago they where able to push back our advanced positions and took over the crossings near[/INDENT]
[INDENT]HESSISCH-OLDENDORF. We expect a further attack on our Positions by at least 4-5 companies in the next minutes.[/INDENT][INDENT]Own:[/INDENT]
[INDENT]MotSchtz-BN *nummer?* defends north of HAMELN. Strenght is a 75%. One Tank company from TankRgt XX has been attached. Units [/INDENT]
[INDENT]Own recon team(SAT) north-east of ROHDEN has spotted only weak defences(about plt strenght) on the left enemy flank.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]The path along the black line is clear of enemy, exept a small security detachment of engineers in the are of SÜNTEL mountain.[/INDENT]Mission:[INDENT]Keep open the Breakthrough at HAMELN at all cost IOT to allow passage of reeforcements for lead Units.[/INDENT]
Tasks: [INDENT]You tank company is to support the BN's defence in the area of PÖTZEN and to stop the enemy attack there.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Once the ENY has been halted, use a pre plotted covering fire by the DAG to bypass the enemy positions along the black line.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]The counterattack southwards IOT destroy the enemy forces and retake the cossings at HESSISCH-OLDENDORF.[/INDENT]Fire support:[INDENT]What is left of the RAG (4 tubes, rest destoyed by enemy Airstrikes and counter battery) will support you counterattack.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Support: Medic team, is aattached to your company.[/INDENT]