Beiträge von Duke

    Servus Panzerkurt,

    herzlich Willkommen.
    Das mit den normals hast du schon mal richtig gemacht.
    Das mit den normalen Skindateien leider nicht, aber du bist fast im richtigen Verzeichnis.
    Verschiebe die Skindateien doch mal in das Verzeichnis woodland\de.
    Du kannst jetzt die Skins für die verschiedenen Streitkräfte in den jeweiligen Länderordner kopieren.
    Allerdings bist du abhängig vom Scenariodesigner welchen Ländercode er einstellt.

    Falls das mit dem \de Ordner nicht klappt, dann greift das Tutorial nicht auf den \de Ordner sondern auf einen anderen zurück.
    Standardmäßig ist der \us Ordner im Scenarioeditor eingestellt, dass wäre dann Option 2.

    Falls das immer noch nicht funzt, dann die Original Leo2A5 Dateien im Originalverzeichnis sichern und diese mit Fallis Skins überschreiben.


    Ich mache das seit Jahren so und es klappt zu 100%.




    so heute Abend schön eins an die Fr... bekommen.
    Als Abschluss ein schönes Musketiere gezockt.
    Danke an alle die da waren.

    In 2 Wochen gehts weiter:




    nein, diesen Freitag spielen wir Teil 2 vom Schwarzen Scorpion und in 2 Wochen dein Löwenbaby.




    ich habe ganz vergessen, das bei uns am Freitag Martins Markt ist.
    Sollte ich also mehr Unfug als gewöhnlich labern, liegts am Glühwein.

    Der Flyer für die spanische Nacht ist fertig.



    situation development 19oct0830Z89

    Orders from OC 2./12 to LDR of reserve units 2./12:

    [INDENT]no change

    [INDENT]First echelon of an enemy tank battalion (+-) and air assault forces in company strength are defeated in the area SARGENZELL - RÜCKERS - NÜST to 65%.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]The rest of these units withdraw fighting back in general NORTH- EAST direction. Intel think they will reorganize in the area of MOLZBACH.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Second echelon, a mixed reinforced MechInfBtn, is attacking from GEISA to the WEST.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Intel think they will attack in our flank to take one crossing point and to establish a bridgehead to create the conditions for future operations.

    [INDENT]12th Armoured Infantry Btn (+) still on march with 3./12 and 2./14 to area of operation. [/INDENT]
    [INDENT]2nd company 12th Armored Infantry Btn (+) took battle positions on SL and prepare for a time limited defense. [/INDENT]
    [INDENT]OC 2./12 in bp 2.1 -> callsign BEARING[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]FO 2./12 in bp grid 5115 1200 -> callsign FLINT[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]1 Squad of II. PLT (LAW-B) observe crossing point 3352 -> callsign BUSTER [/INDENT]
    [INDENT]1 Squad of II. PLT (LAW-B2) observe crossing point 3347 -> callsign BUSTER 1[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]I. PLT in area of reserve (RES 2./12) -> 3x IFV Ulan -> callsign ALFA[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]II. PLT in bp 2.1 -> 3x IFV Marder 1A3 -> callsign BRAVO[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]III. PLT in bp 2.2 -> 3x Leopard 1A5 -> callsign CHARLIE[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]IV. PLT in area of reserve ( D2 callsign in CBT TNS 2./12 for maintenance check) -> callsign DELTA[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Unbound Group 2./12 in area of RES 2./12 -> 1x IFV Ulan -> callsign 007[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Engineer Reconnaissance PLT: PLT LDR by coordination point grid 4995 1344,[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Eng 1A in area of reserve (RES 2./12),[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Eng 1B in area of CBT TNS 2./12[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]SPAAG 2./12 on L3176 bp 2.1 -> callsign SHAFT[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]HQ PLT 2./12 in area CBT TNS 2./12[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]1 Ammo Truck from 1./12 by ASP grid 5021 1281[/INDENT]
    mission 2./12:[/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]observe crossing points 3347 and 3352
    [INDENT=2]hold bp on SL
    [INDENT=2]prepare a time limitd defense in combat area
    [INDENT=2]hold back strong reserve for tasks in area of left ,or right neighbor till rest of the Btn is in position
    [INDENT=2]supply and maintenance in own response[/INDENT]
    left neighbor 3./12, they are still on march and will be in bp in x+45 minutes[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]2./14 follow 3./12 and is rear guard of our btn[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]right neighbor is 7th company of 1st Infantry Regiment (7./IR1), still on march too, will be in bp in x+30 minutes[/INDENT]
    c)roaster of reserve 2./12:

    callsign reserve 2./12 -> SCAVENGER[INDENT]I. PLT 2./12: 3x IFV Ulan[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]IV. PLT 2./12: 3x Leopard 1A5 -> Tango29[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Unbound Group 2./12: 1x IFV Ulan[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Engineer Reconnaissance Section: 1x Fuchs 1A6/Eng
    FO: 1x M113/FO

    [INDENT=2]temperature around 12°C, light wind from 1 to 5 m/s from north/north east
    [INDENT=2]chance of rain by 50%
    [INDENT=2]line of sight around 2.000m

    2)mission[INDENT]Intention of OC 2./12 is to defend along the SL. Main effort is to observe the ridge south- eastwards NÜST, to deny an enemy attack to take crossing points 3347 and 3352, to give the rest of our btn the time to go in positions.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]To hold back a strong reserve to react quickly for occurring situation developments in the combat area of 2./12 or 3./12 or 7./IR1.[/INDENT]
    reserve 2./12:

      [*=2]adapt to support BRAVO in bp 2.1
      [*=2]adapt to support CHARLIE in bp 2.2
      [*=2]adapt to defend right flank in bp 2.3
      [*=2]adapt to defend ZIEGELEI grid 5282 1464 and to block crossing point 2013 till 3./12 is in bp
      [*=2]adapt to block crossing point 3471 eastwards RÜCKERS till 7./1 is in bp

    3)execution[INDENT]This is your part LDR of reserve 2./12.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]A feature of this mission is, that the LDR of I. PLT 2./12 (ALFA), or IV. PLT (DELTA) or independent group 2./12 (007) can be LDR of the reserve.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Between x+5 and x+6 minutes there will be a radio message. Then you know, who is the lucky guy.[/INDENT]

    4)support, detachments and attachments[INDENT]a)artillery:[/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]FO 2./12 in observing position along L 3176 in cooperation with us
    [INDENT=2]2th company/ Field Artillery Btn 2 in firing position at grid 424-131, ready to support
    [INDENT=2]CBT TNS 2./12 at grid 493-126 operationally ready
    [INDENT=2]ASP 2./12 for 105 mm ammunition at grid 503-129 operationally ready
    [INDENT=2]AMB in CBT TNS 2./12
    [INDENT=2]ARV in CBT TNS 2./12
    [INDENT=2]A2 2./12 has loaded 10x antitank mine DM 21 [/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]ENG 1A 2./12 has loaded 6x directional mine DM 12[/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]At ZIEGELEI you see 3 green marked areas, minefield NORTH, minefield EAST and minefield WEST.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]Minefield NORTH can only be a laid minefield. Minefield EAST and WEST you can have a laid or an off-route minefield.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]To get a laid minefield you have to move A2 2./12 inside the marked area.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]If A2 or ENG 1A move in one of these 3 areas, you will get a text message: "You want to have a laid/ off-route minefield? -> if yes push the Trigger laid- or off-route minefield.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]If yes and you pushed the Trigger dismout your Infantry and wait.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]Wait there till you get the message: "minefield NORTH/EAST/WEST is active". [/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]To get the off-route minefield, move ENG 1A 2./12 inside the marked area (not minefield NORTH), dismount the infantry. Wait till you get the message: "minefield EAST/WEST is active".[/INDENT]
    [INDENT=2]You can`t see the mines after the radio message!!![/INDENT]

    5)leading elements:[INDENT]CALLSIGNS:[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]1st Armored Infantry Brigade (PzGrenBrig 1): BRAND SHOE[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]12th Armored Infantry Btn (PzGrenBtl12): NIGHTSHADE[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]14th Tank Btn (PzBtl14): HIGH SCHOOL[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]2nd company 12th Armored Infantry Btn (2./12): BEARING[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]3rd company 12th Armored Infantry Btn (3./12): QUARK POT[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]2nd company 14th Tank Btn (2./14): TURNIP FIELD[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]2./ Field Artillery Btn 2 (2./FAB 2): SLINGSHOT[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]7th company Infantry Regiment 1 (7./IR1): TAMBORIN[/INDENT]

    The IFV Ulan is a replacement for the IFV Marder 1A3.
    All IFV Ulan have the following damages: LRF, Ballistic computer, Stabilization.

    [CBT TNS; CT] combat trains - vorgeschobene Versorgungsdienste [VVD]
    [FEBA] forward edge of the battle area - vorderer Rand der Verteidigung [VRV]
    [SL] screen line or outpost line or security line - Sicherungslinie [SL]
    [PL] delay line or phase line- Verzögerungslinie [VZL]
    [OBJ] objective - Angriffsziel [Obj]
    [ZZ] intermediate objective - Zwischenziel [ZZ]
    [RES] reserve - Reserve [Res]
    coordinating point - Anschlußpunkt [AnschlPkt]
    [ASP] ammunition supply point - Munitionsversorgungspunkt
    [abr] interdict, to or block, to - abriegeln [abr]
    [LAW] light anti-tank weapon - Panzerfaust 3 [PzF]

    TODAY 19th of October 1989:

    Extract from the command of the Bn CDR for the mixed, reinforced point platoon of the Advance Guard ...

    situation development 19oct0530Z89
    The reinforced 12th Armoured Infantry Btn (PzGrenBtl 12) is on the march from HILDESHEIM to the area of operations west of HÜNFELD.
    2./12 is advance guard, subordinated are elements of 7th Reconnaissance Bn and 1st Armoured Engineer CO.
    Main body 2./12 finished maintenance stop at XXXXXXX, point platoon and quartering party reached RELEASE POINT (RP)
    Rest of 1st Armoured Infantry Brigade is 30 minutes behind Advance Guard.

    [INDENT]Point of main effort RED is the AREA EISENACH - BAD SALZUNGEN - SUHL. In this Area are 3 Mechanized, 2 Airborne Divisions, also Engineer detachments, Artillery and elements of Army Aviation combat ready.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Advance Guard in strength of 2 Mechanized Regiments an the area of operation GEISA. [/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Intel think the Intention of RED is to bring more Units to the BORDER Area and to destabilize the situation here.

    [INDENT]12th Armoured Infantry Btn (+-) march into area of operation.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Rest of our party is 30 minutes behind us.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Wallmeister situated 500 West of NÜS on B27 between crossing points 3347 und 3352

    [INDENT]c)roster point platoon "EAGLE":[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]PLT LDR of light reconnaissance PLT: 1x Luchs (ASLAV25 without LRF) - callsign EAGLE 1 -> Duke[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]2x Luchs (ASLAV 25 without Laser) - callsign EAGLE 1A and EAGLE 1B -> Swordsmandk, Major duck[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]3x Leopard 1A5 - callsign EAGLE 2, EAGLE 2A, EAGLE 2B -> CavGunner, 12Alfa, Tango29[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]3x Fuchs 1A6/ENG (Engineer Reconnaissance PLT) - callsign EAGLE 3, EAGLE 3A and EAGLE 3B -> Kingtiger[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]1x M113/FO (FAC) - callsign EAGLE 4 --> Hedgehog[/INDENT]

    2 )mission[INDENT]EAGLE (point platoon Advance Guard):[/INDENT]

      [*=1]recon along L3176 from RP over ZZ 1 to OBJ 2./12
      [*=1]report when reached PL 1
      [*=1]check ZZ 1 (SARGENZELL)
      [*=1]report when reached PL 2
      [*=1]take over demolition documents for 3347 and 3352 from Wallmeister (grid 53401204)

    You have to dismount a Squad and walk to the Mercedes of the Wallmeister!
    There must be minimum 1 dismounted soldier near the Mercedes!

    Maybe the Wallmeister is dead before you reach him. Send a dismounted Squad to the Mercedes.

      [*=1]demolition guard for 3347 and 3352

    To take control over blasting machine 1 you must have 1 dismounted soldier in the area of blasting machine 1! -> radio message
    To connect the blasting machine 1 with the demolition charge for 3347, you must have minimum 1 dismounted soldier in the area of crossing point 3347! -> radio message "state of readiness 2 for 3347"
    After you got the message "state of readiness 2 for crossing point 3347", you must have minimum 1 dismounted soldier in the area of blasting machine 1to blow up the bridge 3347! -> trigger "blow up crossing point 3347"

    To take control over blasting machine 2 you must have 1 dismounted soldier in the area of blasting machine 2! -> radio message
    To connect the blasting machine 2 with the demolition charge for 3352, you must have minimum 1 dismounted soldier in the area of crossing point 3352! -> radio message "state of readiness 2 for 3352"
    After you got the message "state of readiness 2 for crossing point 3352", you must have minimum 1 dismounted soldier in the area of blasting machine 2 to blow up the bridge 3352! -> trigger "blow up crossing point 3352"

      [*=1]overwatch area east of OBJ 2./12
      [*=1]cover Advance Guard on RP
      [*=1]be prepared to withdraw to ResA (Reserve Area)

    [INDENT]2./- (Main body Advance Guard):[/INDENT]

      [*=1]march to area of operations
      [*=1]occupy battle position on SL (screen line) and FEBA (forward edge of the battle area)


      [*=1]subordinated to 14th TankBtn

    [INDENT]4./-(Rear Guard): [/INDENT]


    3)execution[INDENT]My Intention is to get information about ZZ 1 and OBJ 2./12 as quick as possible. We need these information for future operations of our Brigade. To take control over the bridges (3347 and 3352).[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Point of main effort is to take control over these bridges.[/INDENT]

    If RED UNITS open fire or in the area west of NEUTRAL ZONE then FIRE AT WILL!!!

    4)support, detachments and attachments[INDENT]
    a)Joint Fire Support:
    [INDENT]Forward Air Controller (FAC) [/INDENT]
    [INDENT]time limited support of a section F4F Phantom, 15th Fighter Wing

    [INDENT]if supply units 2./12 occupy area CBT TNS (combat trains -> vorgeschobene Versorgungsdienste [VVD])

    [INDENT]3x Luchs (ASLAV 25 without Laser)[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]3x Fuchs (Engineer Reconnaissance PLT)[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]1x M113/FO (FAC)[/INDENT]

    5)leading elements[INDENT]CALLSIGNS:[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]point platoon (We) - EAGLE[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]1st Armoured Infantry Brigade (PzGrenBrig 1): BRAND SHOE[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]12th Armoured Infantry Btn (PzGrenBtl 12): NIGHTSHADE[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]14th Tank Btn (PzBtl 14): HIGH SCHOOL[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]2nd coy 12th Armoured Infantry Btn (2./-): BEARING[/INDENT]
    [INDENT]Wallmeister: HERMIT[/INDENT]

    What is a Wallmeister?

    A Wallmeister is a person who belongs to the german engineer corps.
    He was normaly a Master Seargent.
    During the Cold War a lot of german infrastructur was prepared for demolition charge (bridges, barriers...).
    Also parts of our Autobahn (Interstates) where prepared to use as an airfield.
    The Wallmeister was in response for preventive maintenance checks and services in his area.

    On the 14th of oct 1989 the SOVIET UNION requested a newly regulation of the INNER GERMAN BORDER, because they had new topographic maps.
    For this purpose, the 4-power conference has been requested from the United Nations to convene.
    They wanted to declare the area between the former Inner German Border and the river Haune to a temporarily neutral zone.
    The UN agreed to the formation of a neutral zone to clarify the situation.
    The UNITED STATES of AMERICA don`t agree, France and Great Britain abstained.
    So a conference of the victorious powers of the 2nd WORLD WAR was convened for the 1st of November 1989 in Zandfoort / NL.

    As of October 15 1989, the federal government of FRG started the evacuation of the entire neutral zone.
    About 90% of the population followed this call.

    The federal government put on alert the following units: Armoured Infantry Brigades 1 and 7, 8th Armoured Brigade and the 7th Reconnaissance Btn.

    On October 16, the Western Group of Forces of the WARSAW PACT (WP) start to drew up 3 Mechanized and 2 Airborne Divisions together.
    These Divisions take part of the autumn maneuvers "Brother in Arms 89" in the area EISENACH- BAD SALZUNGEN- SUHL.

    The 7th Reconnaissance Btn is subordinated to the 1st Armoured Infantry Brigade and march to the area HILDESHEIM.

    From 18th of October 1989 UN observers, own police and border guard forces are increasingly reported boundary violations by the armed forces of the WP.


    am Mittwoch und Freitag (vor VOWOPANZ) ist ein wenig H2H ala TTP Training geplant.
    Wer Lust hat einfach mal vorbeischauen. Ich werde spätestens 20:15 Uhr im TS sein.




    Wer noch mit 32 Bit unterwegs ist, kann schon mal anfangen zu sparen.



    I'd like to announce (as early as possible) that the next major release of SB Pro PE (scheduled for about June 2016) will no longer support 32 bit mode, but will be compiled exclusively for 64 bit.
    The new terrain engine, while being more efficient in memory handling, will still require more than 4 GByte of RAM in a number of situations that aren't entirely foreseeable for the user (or the mission designer), so they would be experienced as "random crashes".

    The only winning move is not to play, so we have to abandon 32 bit support by then. While we're at it, the officially supported Windows versions will be 7 and up.



    Servus Männers,

    bin gerade zu faul, mich durch release notes zu lesen.

    Wenn ich mit meinem gefährlichen Halbwissen richtig liege, benötigt man für steelbeasts keine Portfreigabe mehr, richtig?

    Die einzige Einschränkung besteht darin, wenn ich ein Spiel Hosten will, dann benötige ich die Portfreigaben noch, richtig?




    dies richtet sich vor allem an nicht 911 Mitglieder.

    Wenn ihr mal ein Multiplayer Spiel ausprobieren wollt, dann ist das kein Problem.
    Schaut in euren Terminkalender und fragt einfach mal an.
    Macht entweder ein neues Thema auf oder schreibts in das Thema hier rein.

    Ich bin sicher der ein oder andere springt auf den Zug mit auf.




    so hier ist der nächste VOWOPANZ Termin 06.11.15.

    gespielt wir der zweite Teil vom Black Scorpion.

    VOWOPANZ - Black Scorpion Part II_261015.rar



    Ich hab mal in meinen Kalender geschaut und wenn wir den 2 Wochenrythmus einbehalten, dann gibts, am 18.12.15, eine Herausforderung zu bewältigen.
    Ich kann nicht, entweder kann Falli dann den Horst machen, oder jemand anders der kann, setzt sich mit Falli wegen der Serverrechte auseinander, es hostet jemand anders über seinen Rechner, oder es fällt aus.