Ok- VBs sind jetzt normale Schützentrupps. sMg ging auch nicht. Jeder Halbzug hat jetzt jeweils 1x UAV und 1x UGV dabei.
Das mit dem Co/Xo macht dann bitte Duke. Danke

Tough Rider 2012
ich mach ja schon...
also wie willste den Aufklärungszug jetzt ausgerüstet haben.
Pro Halbzug einen VB Trp und einen SchtzTrp mit UGV oder UAV?Das mit dem CHef kriege ich hin, muss ich nur das Template ein wenig umbasteln.
Pro Spähtrupp einen VB Trupp und einen Schtz Trp mit....hmmm, Ähm...ach verdammt UAV
Danke :=D:
Servus Ronin,
ich mach das morgen Abend fertig und schicke es dir dann.
Frage: Wie ist die Kampfbeladung der Artillerie??
Kleine Erinnerung: Samstag geht's los. Schon mal die Mais und Tastatur von Staub befreien und den Leo Motor schon mal warm laufen lassen
Der OP-Plan grafisch ist schon suf SB.com...text muss ich heute noch fertisch mache
Moinsen Männers...der Befehl für Samstag abend. Hoffe ich sehe möglichst viele 911er vor Ort
Kurz zusammengefasst:
Angriff mit 2 GrenZg vorraus, Panzer folgen unmittelbar in der Mitte entlanf SB7(ist doch die 7??)
Danach vorgehen nördlich SCHMALLOH mit den Grenadieren vorraus, je ein Pz-halbZg folgend...3A folgt als reserve
für Angriff auf OBJ durch 1a/2A enlang senke nördlich OBJ, PzZg geschlossen als "Deckungsgruppe" in Stellung im Angriff nach vorn zu schießen sowie Fd-Panzer zu vernichten.Please everone read those lines!! My idea is to use the time on saturday for questions and coordination measures and not re-read the briefing!!
An enemy Mechanized company(+) equiped with M1A2 and M2A2 vehicles is defending BARBERADORF
Most likely enemy COA is a deleay/mobile defence on the area EAST of PL4 and a deliberate defence of the OBJ.My Intent is to attack with 2 MechInf abreast, tanks in overwatch one MechInf follows a lokal reserve.
It is key that we conduct a speedy attack to take the OBJ, IOT deny the enemy time to reorganize and conduct a controlled delay/defence.Tasks:
-Crosses LD together with 2A first once AT plt has secured flanks
-attacks on the companies right wing,
-protects D50(recon) during the advance
-secures ZZ2 IOT enable movement of HQ/mortar plt to PL 2
-continues to lead on the right after PL2
-secures northern part of ZZ3
-attacks OBJ trough the low ground north-east of BARBERADORF together with 2A, defends OBJ against enemy counterattack2A:
-Crosses LD together with 1A first once AT plt has secured flanks
-attacks on the companies right wing,
-protects D52(recon) during the advance
-secures ZZ1 IOT enable movement of HQ/mortar plt to PL 2
-continues to lead on the right after PL2
-secures southern part of ZZ3
-attacks OBJ trough the low ground north-east of BARBERADORF together with 2A, defends OBJ against enemy counterattack3A:
-follows behind teh command section
-is prepared to relieve or reenforce 1A or 2A
-is prepared to outflank enemy fixing 1A or 2A, when ordered
-attacks and holds OBJ 3A once PL4/ZZ3 is secured
-denies enemy movement through NORDDURCHLASS3B:
-follows directly behind 1A/2A IOT provide direct fire support
-attacks along RANGE 7 on order
-splits in 2 sections after PL2 and support left and right wing with direct fire(if needed)
-after ZZ3 is secured, 3B moves in to support attack on OBJ with direct fire, destroys enemy armour in and around the OBJAT-plt:
-secures LD and overwatches forming up of the company
-follows after way to ZZ1 and ZZ2 has been secured
-leaves 1 section with HQ/Mortars to beef up the AT defence (support security for HQ and Mortar FP)
-follows the tanks after PL2
-moves into position west of ZZ3 IOT to overwatch/support attack by 1A/2ARecon plt:
-1 patrol each moves with 1A/2A
-coordinated force protection with the MechInf plts
I need to know
-what enemy forces are on range 7 before 3B attacks?
-what enemy forces are in ZZ1 and ZZ2?
-are enemy forces in the, or overwhatching the open ground SOUTHWEST of ZZ1?
(are enemy forces gUarding the the NORDDURCHLASS?)
-before attack on OBJ, I need to know enemy force disposition in/around the OBJ
And I alsways like to know: Where are the enemy tanks?Mortar plt:
-fire prep1/prep2 fires to cover/support crossing of the LD
-be prepared to fire suppres/neutralize FM in fron of 1A/2A between PL 2 and 4
-cover the positioning of AT-plt for the final attack
-cover the attack of 1A/2AHQ/Xo:
-organize CSS and C2 from HQ positions 1 and 2
-command security for HQ and MortarsFO:Moves with command section
-be prepared to neutralize enemy armour when spotted
-suppress/blind enemy in the OBJ to support attack on OBJ -
Moinsen Männers...der Befehl für Samstag abend. Hoffe ich sehe möglichst viele 911er vor Ort
Kurz zusammengefasst:
Angriff mit 2 GrenZg vorraus, Panzer folgen unmittelbar in der Mitte entlanf SB7(ist doch die 7??)
Danach vorgehen nördlich SCHMALLOH mit den Grenadieren vorraus, je ein Pz-halbZg folgend...3A folgt als reserve
für Angriff auf OBJ durch 1a/2A enlang senke nördlich OBJ, PzZg geschlossen als "Deckungsgruppe" in Stellung im Angriff nach vorn zu schießen sowie Fd-Panzer zu vernichten.Please everone read those lines!! My idea is to use the time on saturday for questions and coordination measures and not re-read the briefing!!
An enemy Mechanized company(+) equiped with M1A2 and M2A2 vehicles is defending BARBERADORF
Most likely enemy COA is a deleay/mobile defence on the area EAST of PL4 and a deliberate defence of the OBJ.My Intent is to attack with 2 MechInf abreast, tanks in overwatch one MechInf follows a lokal reserve.
It is key that we conduct a speedy attack to take the OBJ, IOT deny the enemy time to reorganize and conduct a controlled delay/defence.Tasks:
-Crosses LD together with 2A first once AT plt has secured flanks
-attacks on the companies right wing,
-protects D50(recon) during the advance
-secures ZZ2 IOT enable movement of HQ/mortar plt to PL 2
-continues to lead on the right after PL2
-secures northern part of ZZ3
-attacks OBJ trough the low ground north-east of BARBERADORF together with 2A, defends OBJ against enemy counterattack2A:
-Crosses LD together with 1A first once AT plt has secured flanks
-attacks on the companies right wing,
-protects D52(recon) during the advance
-secures ZZ1 IOT enable movement of HQ/mortar plt to PL 2
-continues to lead on the right after PL2
-secures southern part of ZZ3
-attacks OBJ trough the low ground north-east of BARBERADORF together with 2A, defends OBJ against enemy counterattack3A:
-follows behind teh command section
-is prepared to relieve or reenforce 1A or 2A
-is prepared to outflank enemy fixing 1A or 2A, when ordered
-attacks and holds OBJ 3A once PL4/ZZ3 is secured
-denies enemy movement through NORDDURCHLASS3B:
-follows directly behind 1A/2A IOT provide direct fire support
-attacks along RANGE 7 on order
-splits in 2 sections after PL2 and support left and right wing with direct fire(if needed)
-after ZZ3 is secured, 3B moves in to support attack on OBJ with direct fire, destroys enemy armour in and around the OBJAT-plt:
-secures LD and overwatches forming up of the company
-follows after way to ZZ1 and ZZ2 has been secured
-leaves 1 section with HQ/Mortars to beef up the AT defence (support security for HQ and Mortar FP)
-follows the tanks after PL2
-moves into position west of ZZ3 IOT to overwatch/support attack by 1A/2ARecon plt:
-1 patrol each moves with 1A/2A
-coordinated force protection with the MechInf plts
I need to know
-what enemy forces are on range 7 before 3B attacks?
-what enemy forces are in ZZ1 and ZZ2?
-are enemy forces in the, or overwhatching the open ground SOUTHWEST of ZZ1?
(are enemy forces gUarding the the NORDDURCHLASS?)
-before attack on OBJ, I need to know enemy force disposition in/around the OBJ
And I alsways like to know: Where are the enemy tanks?Mortar plt:
-fire prep1/prep2 fires to cover/support crossing of the LD
-be prepared to fire suppres/neutralize FM in fron of 1A/2A between PL 2 and 4
-cover the positioning of AT-plt for the final attack
-cover the attack of 1A/2AHQ/Xo:
-organize CSS and C2 from HQ positions 1 and 2
-command security for HQ and MortarsFO:Moves with command section
-be prepared to neutralize enemy armour when spotted
-suppress/blind enemy in the OBJ to support attack on OBJ -
wie startet man steelbeasts nochmal?
1/A copy. Jetzt muss ich erst nochmal ein paar Runden in diesem fahrbaren Computer machen.MkG
Muss auch vorher nochmal die Tastenbelegung zurecht fummeln...die Beta überschreibt jedesmal die Tastenbelegung von 3.028 ...
Motoren laufen schon warm. Dann bis heute Abend
Ich hoffe alle angemeldeten sind da. Im PzZg ist noch ein Platz!! Oder bei mir in der KpFü ist der Kettenhund zu haben...