• Gestern las ich im US-Forum.....
    "It is official. The next upgrade will make it playable. Before that however, there will be a patch 2.547 to fix issues with target recognition by computer-controlled units."

    Soll heißen, vor dem eigentlichem Update gibt es noch mal einen Patch in dem die fehlerhafte Aufklärung von Zielen, KI-geführter Einheiten, verbessert wird.

    Alles wird gut.....

  • Ziemlich bald. Die Version wird wohl 2.548 sein, aber sie muß ja auch getestet werden.

    Bitte keine Privat-Nachrichten an mich!
    eMails integrieren sich viel besser in meinen Arbeitsablauf, oder schreibt's gleich ins Forum, OK?

  • Auch wenn anscheinend auf meine Mitarbeit keinen Wert mehr gelegt wird, möchte ich euch (wenn Ihr es nicht eh schon gelesen habt) den letzten Stand mitteilen:


    The beta team is currently testing version 2.550. If the test doesn't reveal any unexpected negative side effects, we will release a new patch before the weekend with the following changes:

    • Changed network messages to reduce packet loss due to “network overload”. Vehicles without a human crew member will no longer send range entry data to other computers. This means that if two players jump into a vehicle previously controlled by the computer a discrepancy may occur between the two different users’ range display in their sights. Solution: Use the laser, activate battlesight, or enter a new range manually. This is probably an acceptable trade-off for the benefit of a greatly reduced overall bandwidth usage, especially for internet connections
    • Corrected a LOS issue with an attached gun blocking the LOS (this was affecting especially the CV90/35-DK and its ability to detect some targets, but also quite a number of other vehicles under certain circumstances), resulting in a rather frustrating lack of response to targets in plain sight
    • Corrected some problems with TC HMG aiming
    • Fixed a bug in network sessions where, on slow movement orders, the squads of IFVs controlled by the session host would disembark automatically and walk in front of their vehicle, but squads of IFVs owned by client computers would not
    • Fixed a bug in network sessions where, on orders to accelerate from slow movement, the squads of IFVs controlled by the session host would mount automatically, but squads of IFVs owned by client computers would not

    Es wird also auch an den Verbindungsproblemen gearbeitet.
    Das Patch scheint also schon "den Finger am Klingelknopf" zu haben.

    Ich hoffe es gibt bald ein offizielles Datum für die Veröffentlichung.

    Behüter und Bewahrer des Andenken an den
    Leopard 1 bei der deutschen Panzertruppe

    Ssnake wrote:


    You and Eisen, Sirs, are self-centered, passive-aggressive whiny, rivet obsessed, ungrateful trolls, and I'm having enough of this