so der Starttermin der Desert Fox Kampagne wurde verschoben, da 1. Tag der offenen Tür und 2. Vorlauf zu kurz.
Ich habe den Spaniern vorgeschlagen diesen Sonntag trotzdem 1 COOP durchzuführen.
Ich werde Wahmbecker Wahnsinn vorbereiten.
Aber zurück zum Thema.
Ich habe dies gestern Abend von Furia bekommen:
Hello Duke.
Sorry for the delay sending you those files.
I am enclosing the Campaign files on this Zip.
It includes:
Copy if the last version of the rules (same as last year)
The terrain file (With the river fixed. Now you need a bridgelayer to cross it and a little bit faster terrain, just a 4% more)
A Master sce scenario with no combat vehicles. Combat scenarios would be made using this one as template.
And an Excel file where Blue team can define the types of vehicles to be used according to the rules. Please make sure someone send it to me as soon as Blue team confirms the type and number of their Stocks.
As we mentioned for the first Combat there will not be available any type of MBT. If the convoy can pass through, that team will have 1st Generation MBT tanks available for 2nd Combat. If that teams manages to pass the Convoy on 2nd Combat, that Team will have available “last Generation MBT” from 3rd Combat, as we did last year.
Initially first Desert Fox Combat would be at 2100 CET by 27th January 2013 and we will try to make one combat every 15 days.
As we did last time in order to configure each team forces, few days after last combat I will prepare the next sce, will place RED team units (The ones to be used) on the deployable zone and will password the sce. I will send that to Blue team and they do the same including password for their side. That would be the next combat sce.
Since now we do have the possibility of creating tactics, graphics and save them into a .pln file I would need Blue side to send me their passworded file as soon as it is ready so I can create our own tactics for the file (As you know if the sce is modified after creating the tactics, those do not work)
For the first combat I will prepare the first sce with Red team vehicles on it, as soon as Blue confirms the types and vehicles to be used for Red Team for the Campaign in the excel sheet I am enclosing.
If the Blue CO’s have any question or proposal I will be very happy to talk about it.
How much people do you think Blue team will gather for the Campaign?
Best regards
Meine Bitte an das CO Team (Eisenschwein, Silberwiese, Thonar) hockt euch zusammen und schaut euch die Fahrzeugliste an (Ich denke wir sollten Leo2A5 gegen Leo2E tauschen) und die Regeln.
Falls ihr Fragen habt, diese bitte direkt an Furia (Ich schicke euch seine EMail über PN).
An alle anderen, macht euch mit dem Gelände vertraut und mit LEMUR.